Save Point 7: Chatterbox and Crybaby

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Me: *Sighs* "So I don't know if you guys'll like this chapter because it's really more of a bridge between chapters, and it's pretty short...But whatever. Enjoy!"


*Reddish POV*

So Blue was talking a lot lately. Like, more than usual. Red couldn't quite put his finger on why. All he knew was that it seemed to have started sometime last night on their date, and that just didn't make any sense to Red.

Blue was currently babbling on about the weather or some such nonsense while they were walking together outside.

Red looked up at the sky. It was partly cloudy—literally the definition of 'weather that's not worth talking about.'

And Blue kept insisting they steer clear of the Pokémon Gym, too, even though Red wanted to go and have his battle.

"Blue-" Red tried—not his first time today.

"So it really is kind of 'blah' out, don't you think?" Blue babbled on.

Red frowned. This seemed like another one of their fights just waiting to happen. Hmm, Red thought about that. Why did they have to be fights, though? Maybe they should've been approaching situations more calmly in the first place. They could have discussions instead. Especially since the fights were pointless: they didn't change either one's opinions on whether they should be together.

Red let Blue keep on as he pleased—something about some building across the street now—and decided the gym could wait a day—it certainly wasn't going anywhere.

Red smiled suddenly because here was a thought: what if Red could control the topic of conversation? He wanted to see if he could—it was like an experiment for him or a game.

Red took Blue's hand in his, momentarily garnering the chatterbox's attention, and with the other, pointed at a park bench down the street.

Blue looked that way, too, and then dumbly said, "It's a bench."

Red grinned at him. If Blue was going to be like this, he could go on about nothing for as long as he wanted.

The corners of Blue's lips slightly turned up in a reciprocal, yet uncertain smile, and he asked, "What? Do you wanna go sit there?"

Red nodded eagerly. Probably it was a childish glee—finding pleasure in controlling someone else's actions—but Red found pleasure in it all the same. And Blue loved Red. Even when Red was mean.

Red's smile faded. He felt more thoughtful now. However, that, in turn, made Blue frown, so Red smiled again—he'd show Blue that there was nothing to frown about.

They went over to the bench and sat down together. Red leaned his head against Blue's shoulder and tilted it back. He pointed at a cloud that he thought looked like a Poliwag.

"Looks like a Meowth," Blue said.

Red pretended to be scandalized.

"You don't think it does?" Blue also looked horrified.

Red chuckled.

*Time Skip, POV Change to Lyra*

"I mean- I mean- I mean-"

Somethin' was off about Kris. It's not like I knew her, but just looking up from my pokégear at her now...well, people who were feeling alright didn't look all shifty like that...or mumble to themselves, just saying nothing.

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