Save Point 8: Blue, Blue Relapse

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Me: "I decided I'd mention this here. My darling Absol, LegendaryHeroes, is anti-bullying—who isn't? Let's all give her a round of applause for her informative blog post Bully. And let's also all think about our words before we say them (or at least add a 'XD' afterwards to show we're joking—LOL) and not be like Blue!"

Blue: "What did I do now?! I thought I was finally behaving myself!"

Me: *Reads over chapter again* "According to this: apparently not."

Blue: "Oh, COME ON! Haven't you ever done anything wrong?"

Me: "...Okay, I may have pushed a girl down and called her bitch in middle school, but she legit started it AND fought back. Besides, I'm a Legendary Hero now: I can do as I please." XD

Blue: "Dear Arcues, what have you done LegendaryHeroes? You've made a super villain!"

Me: "Mais non! Je suis mignonne! Comme les lapins!"

Blue: "That speaks French!"

Me: *Clamps hand down over Blue's mouth* "Okay, folks, it's time to get reading! Or get off this page—I don't blame you!...I BLAME YOU. AT LEAST WATCH THE BUNNY VIDEO AND EXPLODE FROM CUTENESS."


"Red!" Red was walking to school when he heard that distinctive voice. It was kind of annoying actually, but it was Blue's was a good thing to hear it.

"Hi, Blue," Red said as Blue slung an arm around his shoulder, having caught up to him. It was still amazing to Red that he was suddenly speaking so easily—too bad it only worked with Blue as Red had found out last night when he tried and failed to have that important discussion about his sexuality with his mother. Red, defeated but accepting of his quietness, sighed and dismissed the thoughts of his mother. Instead, he focused on the casual warmth of Blue's arm against his body.

"Daisy wants you to come over tonight. She says she has a surprise," Blue announced with a smile. Red was having a hard time, all of a sudden, remembering how he had ever had a problem with this boy. He seemed very nice at the moment—nicer than even the average nice person as Blue leaned in to give Red a peck on the cheek.

Red, who normally would have pulled his cap down over his face to hide his blush—or tugged at his hair when hatless as was the case at the time—did not take any such embarrassed action, though he did blush as red as a Vulpix. Instead, he managed a smug reply: "What? Is she planning on giving you the talk again but in front of an audience this time?" It was beginning to seem like an epic change in Red's personality was occurring, but if you only knew him...If he only knew himself...

And now it was Blue's turn to blush, yet hide it with a turning of his head, and stumble over a confused comeback. Red laughed to himself.

The boys soon arrived at the doors to their school, but Blue, who was quick to spot the administrative heads of the official Red fangirl fanclub, pulled Red aside with him to some nearby benches in a scenic area by their school. Red, blissfully unaware of the assault waiting at the doors, protested, "Blue, we can't skip, not after how pissed the principal is at us for missing detention!" Red was starting to take his punishment more seriously now at the...subtle suggestions of his mother last night.

Blue, in response, simply lounged back in his seat and began questioning Red once more. It was beginning to seem that Blue would never stop questioning Red from the time he started talking at Professor Oak's lab until the end of time. Seriously, his ghost would probably ask Red's ghost questions, so time literally had to end to stop him. Thankfully, however, Red had begun tuning Blue's incessant chatter out and was spared a headache.

An Eevee Tail Red x Blue/Green (Namelessshipping)Where stories live. Discover now