What he Does When Mother Nature Comes To Visit

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I can't explain the Media... It's honestly my favorite quote😭


Lachlan- He tries to make you forget by telling jokes he thinks are hilarious but you laugh anyways because they are so bad they are good

Preston- He would lay in the bed with you and you guys would watch YouTube all day

Mitch- you guys would stay in the kitchen and try to come up with new dishes and then feed them to eachother

Jerome- He would take you shopping since he knew you loved clothes but the twist was you sat in a wheelchair

Rob- He laid in bed with you and you had An uno face off


Simon- You relaxed all day until you got hungry and he went to the store and brought back every sweet in the store

Vikk- He'd shower you in love to help you forget. He'd but flowers, teddy bears and lots of chocolate.

JJ- He'll talk about all the things you'll be able to after its all over ;)

Ethan- He'll tell horrible period jokes he found on the Internet and you'll laugh the days away

Tobi- you'll do whatever comes to mind wether it be dancing, listening to music or just chilling. He just wants you to be comfortable

Harry- He would be uncomfortable with the fact you were bleeding out of your vagina so he'd usually leave you alone but you'd chase him around complaining about it

Josh- He'd go to the store even if he looked weird just to get you Tampons, heating pads or whatever you wanted because he didn't like to see his baby sad


YOOOOOO!!! Wassup my huzzahs!! Someone help me. I have a new bae but you'll have to wait until the next chapter to find out who!!😈


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