Lets Talk Bullying...

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Lets talk about bullying. I wont name the person but Ill tell you the story for not well call her Sam. So Sam and some of my other friends we are in this group called the circle. We were all having fun and what not. The one thing that made me mad was that we argued over stupid stuff. So after maybe a week of thinking I had decided I didn't was want to be in our 'group' anymore. I texted it to the group chat. I was scared for a moment. Everyone was in shock for a second trying to figure out if I meant it. When I said I did they all started talking about how I couldn't leave or if I did I was a bad person and Sam especially was mad. If you know the app wattpad where you write stories. It was where she was writing about the experiences we had as 'The Circle' So while this was happening because I didn't know that people would threaten to not be friends with me. Then she updated her book and in the media is what I read. It shot me in the heart like a cross bow. It hurt so bad and it scars me to this day. Guys. That's called Cyber Bullying no matter what app it is. Don't do it.


Sorry this wasn't sidemen related just been really down about that lately and just didn't have any ideas :( but will try to get something out today <3

-KP 🙈

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