What He Does When Your Younger Sibling Comes to Visit

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You may not have a sibling between the ages of 4-6 but I just thought it would be really cute!


Lachlan- He takes you all to Chipotle

Preston- Takes them to a shooting range because Preston is Preston

Mitch- Takes them swimming

Jerome- Would tell them jokes that weren't that funny but made your sibling laugh for hours

Rob- Plays outside with them as if he were a little kid


Simon- would take them to a field and play football with them

Vikk- Play pretend with them wether it be princess and prince, dragon and knight he would do it all

JJ- He's not very good with kids so at first he just laughs awkwardly but later on is spinning them around

Ethan- Teach them how to swegway

Tobi- Play video games with them and teach them if they didn't know how to play

Harry- Take them to see a film

Josh- Take them to Thorpe park and win them a stuffed animal

CalNipple- He would chase them throughout the flat and when he got to them he would tickle them


I wish my little sister would play with me :( She says she's to old even though she's two years younger then me. Jkjk I make her play FIFA with me 😁

OMG OVER 500 reads!!!! Omg!!! Thanks sooooooooo much!


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