The Greatest Night~Tobi

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This night had already been amazing enough but just before I got the chance to say thank you Tobi grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the car. "Tobi, where are we going?" I asked curiously. "Don't worry Y/N. You'll love it." Tobi said before giving me a quick peck on the lips. Tobi turned on the radio and Love Yourself by Justin Bieber was on. It was our favorite song. "And I didn't want to write a song" Tobi started to sing. " 'Cause I didn't want anyone thinking is till care" I sung. "I don't but you still hit my phone up!" We both sung in union. We laughed.

We sung the whole way until I finally looked up to see the carnival I had talked about the week before. "Tobi! I thought you said you couldn't go because of work!" I said excitedly. "Anything for you." Tobi said while getting out of the car. I got out of the car and shut the door. Tobi took me by my hand and we walked towards the carnival. There was so much to do with all the rides and games. "Well, what do you want to do?" I asked Tobi not knowing what to do. "The Drop." he said bluntly. "You want to get on The Drop? The drop that goes up and drops down at a random time?" I said almost shanking at the thought of that ride. "You'll be fine. I promise. I'll hold your hand." Tobi said comforting me. "Okay. I'll do it." I said still pretty scared. We got into the decently long line, that didn't last to long. As soon as we got inside the line the next group of people went. "We're in the front of the line." Tobi said which just made me more anxious. "No shit sherlock." I said punching him in the arm. We both laughed.

Then it came to our turn. The person in charge of the ride opened the fence. "Enjoy your ride." The guy said in the dullest way possible. We sat down next to each other and buckled ourselves onto the ride. Tobi grabbed my hand. I went to go look at him but couldn't because the ride safety was so bulky. I squeezed his hand just to make sure it was his. He squeezed back. It was definitely Tobi. The ride started going upwards. I took a breath as I looked in front of me at the whole carnival. It was amazing. Especially with Tobi here. Then we reached the top where we just waited to be dropped. I had never held Tobi's hand so tight. We sat there for about a minute and I thought we were just going to stay there. Then as soon as I got comfortable we just dropped. I screamed at the top of my lungs but as soon as I started screaming we were already at the bottom. I laughed at the fact that my hand was glued to Tobi's at that point. We unbuckled ourselves from the ride and as we stood up and looked at each other all we could do was laugh. "Your scream is priceless!" Tobi said cracking himself up. "Shut up!" I said laughing along with him. "You wanna go play some games?" He looking more confident then he should've. "Sure!" I said ready to beat him at every game thy I could beat him at. First him being the sweet guy he is, he wanted to win me a prize.

After about 30 minutes and 30 pounds later Tobi won a huge stuffed bear for me. "I love it Tobi." I said kissing him on the lips. "It took the longest to get." He said looking back at the basketball carnival game. "Tobi this has honestly been one of the best days of my life. I'm tired and I'm 99% sure you're tired." I said grabbing him by the hand as we walked toward the exit of the park. "When we get home will there be cuddles?" He asked me. "Only in you can catch me!" I said taking off towards the parking lot. "Classic Y/N" He screamed loud enough so I could hear him as he ran towards me. I didn't get to far before a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and all I could do was just melt into them.


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