A Break ~Vikk~

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You and Vikk had been planning these 4 days all month. He had prerecorded all the videos. You were both going to go to Panama City Beach, Florida! You couldn't wait!

"Vikk. Wake Up. We have to catch a flight." You said shaking Vikk to get up. He looked so peaceful while he was sleeping. He was literally the cutest thing on the whole planet. He yawned as he motioned you to come sit next to him on the bed. "Five more minutes Y/N?" Vikk begged laying his head on my lap. "You know this usually works but today it just doesn't." I said kissing his head. He pouted. I got up and started to get ready. I picked out a black 3/4 sleeve crop top and some of Vikk's burgundy joggers. Then Vikk came up behind me and whispered in my ear. "You ready baby?" He said rocking us side to side. "Yeah! Can't wait babe. Just You, Me and a private pool." I imagined it as I said it. He released me from his arms and went to go pick out his clothes. I walked across the hall to the bathroom to go shower.

After I showered and put on my clothes I grabbed all of my belongings and I put them in a dirty clothes bin. I looked in the mirror at my hair which was a mess but honestly I couldn't be assed I was going on vacation. I brushed it and just was done. I walked out to our shared room. I looked around the room to see Vikk on the other side of the bed curled in a ball asleep. He was way to cute to be mine. He packed our suitcase and had his little office bag. I tapped him on the shoulder and he flinched a bit. I kissed him all over his face until he woke up with the cutest little yawn on the planet. He pulled back his bang off of his face. He smiled and got up from his spot on the floor. Vikk took all of the stuff to his car. I grabbed my purse and packed a few extra entertaining things such of my 3DS for Pokemon purposes. We said our goodbyes to sidemen beforehand walked out of the door.

When we finally got through security and waited another 30 minutes for our delayed flight. We got on the plane and Vikk was still dead tired from recording videos all night. As soon as we took off he took out his vlogging camera and recorded us taking off. I knew he loved what he did for his fans so I let him bring it. Right after he fell right asleep. His head rested right on my shoulder. I reached into my black purse which was cluttered with a lot of random shit. I pulled out my 3DS and hummed the Pokemon theme song to myself.

I opened up my eyes to Vikk tapping my shoulder lightly. "Hey Sleeping Beauty!" He whispered. I waved at him. I grabbed my purse And he grabbed his little office bag. After waiting for everyone to get off that was in front of us. We walked off of the plane to a huge airport and then we instantly saw a younger girl wearing a sidemen SnapBack with big brown eyes just stare and then she ran towards Vikk with the biggest smile that I'd ever seen. He reached out his arms to her and she had tears running down her face. "I... Never thought." She said sniffling. Vikk took his hands up to her face and wiped away the tears. "It's okay." He said bringing her into a hug. Then she walked over to me and hugged me which was a surprise to me. "You're even prettier in person. Vikk she's a keeper!" She laughed.

After the girl left I smiled. "See! My fans love you!" He said putting his arm around my shoulder.

We went to go get our luggage and finally got out of the busy airport. We got outside and picked up a rental car. We got a GMC Terrain. We put all of our things in the backseat while Vikk got used to driving in America. I got in the passenger seat next to him and we were off. It was a bit slow at first with Vikk being a bit cautious.

We drove to our Beach house which had a perfect view of the Gulf of Mexico off of the balcony. After getting out of the car I stretched out my legs and arms. I grabbed the bag out of the trunk and my purse. I grabbed Vikk by his hand. "Vikk can we go swimming." I said begged. "Yeah, why not?" He said opening the door of the house with a key he received last week. I awed at the house and how gorgeous it was. "Vikk! I love it!" I almost screamed. "Anything for my princess." He said kissing me on the kiss. I looked outside of this huge window to see the good sized private pool. I was smiling from ear to ear. I was literally screaming on the inside. I went into the bedroom which already had of our suitcase in there. I unzipped the top of it to see my black bikini. I went into the bathroom to change.

I came out of the bathroom to see a ready to go swimming Vikk. He smiled at me and reached out his hand to me. I took his hand and we walked out to the pool. Vikk being the swimmer that he was dived right into the deep end. He shook out his hair and motioned me to come in too. "C'mon Y/N! It's not even cold!" He said to me, swimming over to the stairs. I went on the stairs slowly because it was COLD. Then out of no where Vikk pushes me into the water. "Vikk! I hate you!" I said wiping my eyes. "I love you too. He said kissing my nose. I splashed him for revenge. Then he jumped on my back. I screamed. I took it to my advantage so I took him under water and he didn't fight it he just connected his lips with mine. I smiled.


SOOOOORRRREYYYY!! I haven't updated in like 5 days like WTF KAYLA! This over 1000 word chapter is my apology and thank you! I HAVE OVER 3k READS!!! Tyty!!! <3


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