What He Does when You Are Upset

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Lachlan- He tries to make you laugh which obviously works because he makes stupid Pokemon jokes that he knows have you dying.

Preston- He'll take you wherever you want to go until you cheer up and if he couldn't take you there he'd make it work

Mitch- He'd make you go swimming and if you were still sad he would make a whole picnic outside with smoothies :)

Jerome- He would give you a million teddy bears

Rob- He would do something special with you like take you to a nice restaurant or to a really nice theater


Simon- He figure out why you're upset and do his best to fix it with hugs

Vikk- He would shower you in love and compliments

JJ- I feel like JJ would sit you down and name all the wonderful things about you

Ethan- He would try to be serious but we all know that he wouldn't be able to do he'd laugh and since it's contagious you'd obviously laugh too

Tobi- he would put on a show for you in the flat dancing singing and comedy included

Harry- He would take out to town and he would pay for everything you wanted

Josh- he would surprise you with a trip to somewhere peaceful where you and him could relax


Someone I already hate called Vikk ugly. RIP me ever talking to her ever again. VIKK IS MY FOOKIN' CINNAMON ROLL. YA DONT FOOKIN' CHAT SHIT ABOUT 'EM. YOU FOOKIN' 'EAR MATE. Okay I'm done ranting.


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