Bridge Over Troubled Water

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Shout Out to ObsessedwithAvi and AwesomeDawson2 who suggested this song :)



Kirstie snapped her head around mid performance to detect where the ruckus was coming from. She spotted a young man who, from his position by the back of the theatre, had seemingly not bought a ticket to the show and had managed to just walked in off of the street. She watched as he was pulled out by the doormen, one with his hands over the interrupters mouth while the other held his arms to his side. The two were walking him out - well more like dragging - when the interrupter broke free.

"YOU BITCH, YOU SHOULD GO AND KILL -" One of the doormen had tackled the guy to the ground, knocking him off mid sentence. Kirstie made a note to buy those guys gifts for saving her from hearing the rest of that sentence. Even though she got a lot of hate online, that was nothing compared to when she got it in person. It was a rarity, online people feel protected behind a screen so people liked to do it but when it came to telling her in person, no one usually dared - who in their right mind loved confrontation. This guy apparently did.

Blinking back tears, she turned back to look a Scott suspecting him to be staring at her and wondering why she had stopped singing midway through their big number yet instead he too was staring towards the back of the theatre to see the commotion. He looked enraged. His fists were clenched at his sides and his face looked as if he was planning to go and murder the guy (she wouldn't have blamed him if she did). Kirstie couldn't see them but she knew that the orchestra had stopped playing underneath her, probably looking along with the entire audience towards the back. She wanted to be swallowed up by the stage, she caused this, how embarrassing.

No longer caring about the performance, she ran off to stage left and let the tears fall. Scott didn't follow, she wasn't sure whether or not he had even heard her run off - the sound guy had luckily turned off their microphones so the sounds of her sobs was not echoed around the auditorium. Esther however had made it round to the side of the stage she had run off to, she had taken the backstage route as she was ever the professional and as soon as she got there she had pulled Kirstie into her arms.

"He's an ass. He probably lives in his parents basement and still eats kids meals when they take him out." Esther wispered, trying to comfort the girl who was currently sobbing onto her chest. She wished Avi was here - they all did. "He's a loser, don't listen to him Kirst."

Scott finally decided to join them and ran up to them, slightly out of breath. Since Esther had made it round to Kirstie, Scott had managed to talk to someone high up in the theatre from the side of the stage. "He's in the security office, they are going to get the police involved but they doubt anything will come of it. I'm so sorry Kirst."

"Should I call Avi?" Esther directed Kirstie into Scott's arms and moved to get her phone out of her pocket and switched it on.

"No,no, he will be working." Kirstie chocked out through sobs.

"Est, could you take her to yours tonight? I don't want to leave her alone and I need to go and pick up my mom from the airport at 3 as she can't fly at a normal time." Scott looked over Kirstie's head, completely taking her out of the conversation now. He had switched into protective best friend mode, only bothered with what was the best for his friend.

Esther had begun to step back into her roll as Stage Manager and had begun ordering people around. "Yeah sure. Avi and I will take good care of her." She managed to call out while in the middle of her enforcing her commands.

"Her is right here guys." Kirstie attempted to joke but she just sounded like a strangled mess. Kirstie was content with her friend's decisions for her, Esther was the most mothering figure she knew and  she was desperate to see Avi.

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