Questions-Daryl Dixon

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    I was walking through the woods with my pistol and my mace (spiky ball and chain on stick thingy) hanging at my side. I also had a typical bow and arrow, but I only used that for hunting sometimes. And I tried to quiet the surprisingly crispy leave under my feet. But it wasn't working, obviously to the animals and walkers that heard. I have been walking for about 3 miles and decided to take a short break and sit down for a couple minutes. My family is gone. Except for maybe a couple. They were little girls and I used to babysit them all the time. Lizzie and Mika. 

    After a few minutes I sighed at the thought and got up. I walked for what had probably been 20 minutes, when I heard a bunch of walkers 'oh shit!' I thought to my self. My feet had been tired and worn to the point where I had taken off my shoes and walked in socks. And you would've thought that that would have been worse. Nope. Almost just as bad. But a little better. I pulled out my ancient looking mace and prepared. THERE WAS A WHOLEyears.RE PRISON! But walkers are surrounding it. 

    I looked closer and saw people. A lot of people. Some dotted around killing the walkers. And some were doing chores, or at least that is what they looked like to me. I felt some thing grab my ankle thena shooting pain. My ankle had been yanked and twisted. I looked down to see a walker and I pulled my foot back and swung my mace at its head and a crimson liquid exploded everywhere and all over my face. Some more walkers came over too and started napping their teeth. There must have been like 10. But there are too many for myself to get. And too many around that if I shoot, i would  be so dead. So I start swing in randomly killing 4 and attracting 6. So I had to get there. Something pulled me down and I screamed at the pain.

     ***Glenn p.o.v***

    I was sitting in the guard tower with Maggie and just talking to her about how boring it is here. When I hear a high pitched scream. I was surprised because it didn't belong to anyone here. I snapped my head around to see a cluster of walkers gathered in one spot not too far from the fence. Then a few fell down. While some were making their way over there. Oh shit! Some ones being attacked! I ran down the steps shouting for Maggie to follow. And Carol opened the fence and I ran through. Another walker down. ..... Another................another.

    ***your p.o.v*** 

    I was using all of my energy to fight off the walkers but more kept coming. Suddenly a bullet shot was made and a bang was heard. A walker down. Another gun shot. And then a blade sliced through 2 walkers in front of me. They fell to reveal a black woman. Beautiful and fit. But looked confident. She helped me up and ran off while an Asian looking guy was stabbing them with a tall girl with short brown hair. I had to stop to help them so I pushed the lady off of me and quickly limped farther and swung my mace and blood soon dribbled down my body with all the guts and gore.

    "Come on they will be fine! Hurry!" Said the lady. She slashed a few more with a katana and grabbed me and pulled along. While we a were running. More like I was limping, we killed a few more.

    "That is one bad ass weapon you got there." She grunted while she slashed.

   "Thanks. You are one bad ass person ." I shouted while the two people from behind caught up. A few kids were standing talking to the walkers. And we all 'ran' again. The gates opened and we entered. As soon as they closed I fell to the ground in pain and exhaustion. A gray haired lady ran up. 

   "Is she okay? I will get some one to carry her in." And she ran off.

    "What's happened to you?" The black woman asked.

    "I-I was looking for a shelter and I saw a prison. Then a walker pulled my ankle and twisted it. Then they clustered around me."

Luckily I wasn't injured other than scrapes from sticks and my ankle. Just then a man ran out he was tall-ish and had dark hair and stubble. He just started talking to me like he was already trusting me.

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