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Nevada, July 1998

It had been nearly 9 days since John Niret had seen his family. 9 full days. You could tell it bothered him, but maybe not on a day like today. Today he just sat in his personal plane reading the paper, drinking his morning coffee while Jerry took calls. Today he hardly missed his family. He was on the verge of something exciting, he could feel it. It all depended on if anyone called him personally. But for now it was quiet. That is until Jerry came in shouting at the phone.

"NO! I just talked to you five minutes ago and now your telling me this!" Jerry would shout "I don't care Simon, I need that money"

"Mmm hmm" butted in John, still staring at the paper, "your money alright." Jerry covered the phone and stared at John

"I'm trying here!" He heard someone shout on the line. "Yes I'm still here!"

Jerry walked away, annoyed, then John was shocked. His Phone was ringing.

"John? It's Daikei. It's beating today." John threw the news paper down and leaned towards the morning. Him and Dr. Ishiro's project was alive.
"Yes I'm In Nevada! I'll come as soon as I can! Monitor it steadily."

He hung up the phone at this point Jerry coming back, nearly sweating.
"what" he said, breathing heavy

"Get my bag!" Said John. "we're landing"

And with that the plane landed in a small private section of the airport. He was given his bag and he was on his way. Jerry was a bit behind.

John was rich, rich enough to write a best selling book and afford a private jet to take him places with less hassle, but he wasn't famous for what he wanted to be famous for. Biology. Sure his book was about biology but he wanted the dangerous side. The one that involves life itself. John thought today would be the day. But first he had to call his family.

Finally Jerry caught up, panting as they followed directions and looked for the exit.

"Hi, honey." He said as his wife, Susan greeted him back. "I'm in Nevada, we might have found something." She seemed happy and surprised, he could feel she was all fluttered. Then his 12 year old son, Jake butted in.

"HI DADDY he said and John laughed.
"Hey kiddo"
Jake and John giggled back and forth until Jake asked if he had seen any fireworks. John gasped
"Oh pickles I forgot! Happy forth of July!" He shouted and his wife and son shouted it back. "I'm sorry I couldn't be there guys. But I'll make it up to you, I promise"

"You always do" said Susan and then he saw where he needed to go.

"Alright  I'll talk to you guys later."

"We love you" they shouted in sync and John laughed as he hung up the phone.

"Gotta love them" he said and Jerry noded

Now his morning felt like a repeat, only now he was in a helicopter flying to his faculty where Daikei was waiting. Soon they landed. Daikei was patiently waiting.

"John! Good Morning" he spoke with his Japanese accent.

"You too. How is she?" He asked as the copter blew sand and dust into their hair as they walked into the facility.

"She is beautiful. Wait till you see her."
Daikei walked up and told John and Jerry and a few others, that they needed to put on masks from its radioactivity.

They all did as followed and Daikei led John and the others into the room.

"Gentlemen, allow me to proudly introduce, the first Nuclear Spore."

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