Work in the old cold apartment

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(Picture is of Kevin Spacey aka John Niret)

San Fransisco, July 2, 2015

While his son was fast asleep, John Niret was the complete opposite. John had spent every minute since leaving the base, working. It was 2 after midnight, John was on his computer with a phone next to him. He had been talking back and forth with his old partner Daikei Ishiro. But so far, there had been nothing. But John expected that. He expected to find nothing. He expected it to be like that. And just like every other 15 minutes, here was Daikei with an update. John only moved his arm.

"Anything?" John asked, expecting a no.

"I might have found something." Said Daike to John's surprise. "I think it's best I show you in person."

John stood up immediately. "Where do you live now?" Daikei gave John his address and he grabbed his coat and keys. He got into car. 44 Birch Lane, 5th, floor. John typed into his map. He always was quite forgetful. It was a quick ride then soon after, he had arrived.

It was dead outside, which was odd for San Francisco at midnight. John let it slide and headed inside. He took the elevator up to the 5th floor. He had arrived.

Dr. Ishiro heard the knock on his door.

"John!" He shouted, as if he were surprised to see him. "Come in," he welcomed, "it's very, um...crowded, I haven't quite gotten settled hear yet."

"How long have you been here?" John asked, biting his lip.

"Ahh..3 weeks.." Said Daikei, cleaning up some books. He stood up and dusted himself off. "Ahh yes, what I wanted to show you." Daikei rushed over to the computer.

John slowly walked over, eager to hear.

"In 1976, Japan launched a nuclear sub. It wasn't as deep and was only there for show, however, it sunk 3 days after. Then in 1980, Russia did the same thing and again it happened, and then again 1985. 1990, 1995, even, 1998, and now again in 2015. But here is where it gets weird. Here is a map of the all the subs. It's only the nuclear subs that are getting attack."

John hadn't said a word until now. He was stunned. "We have to share this" he said, Daikei nodding.

Daikei added. "Soon." John nodded and looked out to the sea

"Only God knows if there's another sub out there, and where it is."

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