The Arrival

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(WATCH THE VIDEO AT THE END OF THE CHAPTER FOR THE end chapter ROAR that was meant for this scene)

San Francisco Bay Fishing Dock, July 2, 2015.

Gary Shutters went down to the dock like he did every weekend. He grabbed his green fishing pole and 3 other men fishing on a different dock.


Gary flipped them off.

"I won 20 bucks on the lottery this weekend, I'm feeling lucky!!!!"

The men flipped him back. He shook his head in disgust, unfolded his chair and threw his bait into the river. It was one of the most beautiful days. Gary gave a long breath in. It really was a quiet and peaceful day for fishing. He sat there for about 2 minutes, when all of sudden, boats in the distance began to raise in the air, and so did the water, black spines showed from the water. Gary stood up and ran. The began to cut through the docks wood, all the men screamed and ran away. Gary looked up and saw the biggest arm he's ever seen. The foot gently lifted over him, soaking him, then the foot went into the road above the dock and smashed a few cars

The creature climbed up and was shortly in the city.  Water and metal from the subs smashed down on civilians as the monster walked past an office building. Large water from its legs drowned people screaming in pain.

In a nearby office building, a couple held each other, hearing the footsteps and the screams. It all of sudden stopped. They sighed a sigh of relief, but then the monster walked through the building and it collapsed.


Back at the base, the news was already amazingly covering the story.

"We're too late." Said Admiral, biting his lip. "God dam it were late."

All Jake could think about was Samantha. What was she thinking? Did she know? What was it that was out there?

Someone handed Marshall the phone. He mouthed the words "president" and William nodded, answering it.


The creature continued to walk along the San Francisco area, every chilling footsteps followed by even more chilling screams. Military vehicles had already been sent out, by the Presidents orders. Somehow he found out, in fact he had been tracking the sub problem along with Marshall.

It took another step forward. Tanks fired at its side, and it moaned before it swooshed its tail and destroyed them. It grabbed on of the tanks, picked it up, and then dropped it as another tank fired at its hand

Down in the streets a brave news reporter reported live on the he monster.

"Here behind me a giant monster is destroying San Francisco Bay. The army is now making its-"

Her life was cut short by a destroyed tank smashing on top of her. The camera man kept going and filmed the 100 meter monster. The head swooped down and grabbed a tank and spat it out.

Every time it made a footstep it would echo. A loud swoosh came about: jets firing at the monster. It growled and used its tail to smash one of them, hitting the others, causing a chain explosion.

"We have the first look at the monster, Admiral." Said Swanson, turning on the news

"MY GOD.." Shouted Marshall

They could see it as it roar shook buildings near it.

A force so huge and unstoppable, you could call it...godly

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