Prologue (part 2)

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Nevada, July, 1998

John stood their with a huge grin. His work, what he had been waiting for, was finally a reality.

"John," said Daikei, "do you want to see her?"

John nodded and he came closer. It was purple and red with tiny sponge like circles. And it was glowing, like a light flickering on and off. It was protected in a glass box.

"She's gotten bigger" John replied and Daikei nodded.

"We might need a bigger box." He laughed and John smiled. The two other men looked and then shook John's hand.

"It's holding steady, and its signal is still normal." Said one of the men. As the spore kept beating.

"Congratulations, Dr. Niret, you have done something remarkable!" Said another man shaking his hand

Daikei interrupted. "A first of its kind. An organism made out of nuclear energy."

With that, the monitor began to beep. Daikei began to panic.

"It's pulse is racing!" He shouted. The room began to shake. " the entire building began to collapse. One of the men shouted to Daikei

"Emergency protocol."

Daikei looked at John, who looked at him back. They knew it was the only thing they had to be done.

John nodded "Kill it."

Minutes went by after electrocuting the spore. Then something shot out of the spore, frying all the systems.


And with that John, Daikei, and even Jerry and the others ran out as fast as they could but it was too late. The wall crushed Jerry and killed him instantly.

"JERRY!" Shouted John, but Daikei grabbed him and thy ran out of the facility. The explosion occurred shortly after.

Back in San Francisco, Susan was sobbing, watching the news in horror. She thought she lost him. She thought he was gone. Then the phone rang.

"Yes?" Said Susan. "He's okay? thank god! Alright!" She hung up the phone and told Jake, staring at his mother.

"Daddy is okay" she told him. And with that they headed off to Nevada, to visit him in the hospital.

John's hard work was over, and since hadn't heard from Daikei Ishiro at all.

"I was so close" he pleaded to his wife and she hugged him.

"The only thing that matters is that you're okay."

And then 2 weeks after leaving the hospital, Susan Niret passed away from a heart attack.

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