Trying For A Reason To Say It

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(Let's just say you'll get the picture after reading this chapter . Keep reading! 6 chapters left.)

JULY 5, 2015

The room seemed to have a quite uttered silence all around. John looked like he was about to lose it, Jake sat biting his nails, Daikei remained neutral, and Marshall leaned towards the screen awaiting to see what would happen.

"Let's see if your right Dr?" He said. "One of them is not nuclear, the other"


For once in his entire career, Brunivich was scared. The moment the third bogie appeared in the radar, his Hope sank.

"Henrik?" He talked through the walkie talkie to his brother. "We may have a problem."

Henrik began to panic, and soon Brunivich regretted telling his brother anything. His radar listener, ironically name Conrad, begin saying numbers that were getting smaller and smaller, which meant soon they would HF this third mysterious bogie.

Brunivich closed his eyes. And then it happened. Water flew into the sub like salt water to the beach. A claw scratched a hole right through it. Brunivich could see its eyes glaring down at him, and then everything vanished. The sub exploded.

Henrik's sub was firing everything at the monster. It turned towards his sub and glared at him.

Everyone back at base though this could be what proved Jon wrong, but shockingly it turned around knocking it with his risk and swam away, as if it hadn't seen it there.


Marshall and John were both in shock.

"You were right." He said. "It really only attacks things nuclear." Then Marshall had a puzzled look on his face.

However he refrained from saying it, for now the monster had tinted around and destroyed the sub, which had constantly been firing at it even after it left.

John's mouth was open. "It only destroyed it to attack back. If they hadn't attack, neither would have he." John explained. "It all makes sense."

Marshall glared at John. "Yea, but you know what I don't understand.? If this thug is so obsessed with nuclear, why the hell did it attack San Francisco, we do not use Nuclear energy at all?"

Niret nodded and turned around to think about it. Then Daikei gasped. At quick glance you could see tears in his eyes.

"It can't be." Murmured Daikei. He looked at John, who's back was turned but looked prominent.

"John, is it the-

"I've been trying." He interrupted. "Trying to say it. Desperately trying for a say it."

Marshall moved in closer slowly, as if fearing his safety.

"Say what."

Daikei answered for John.

"In 1998-when John and I first worked together, we-we created a biological life form, the first of its kind."

Marshall leaned closer now.

"What kind of biological life?" He asked, as if he knew the answer already.

"Nuclear." He whispered. "But it somehow managed to give off energy, freeing its energy into a concentrated explosion. Many died." Explained Daikie. He looked at John. "But, I thought everything was destroyed? It gave off too much energy and it destroyed the facility and itself with it. Right John?" He asked.

John sighed a tearful sigh.

"I'm so's" He said, looking back at the group, practically crying. "I sold it to some other men, they told me they were gonna destroy the debris and build something else, but.....I...."

"Where is it all now!?" Shouted Marshall.

John looked at him dead in the eyes and sighed.


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