Yesterday's Fireworks

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Had to share the picture, found it  on Twitter and I laughed so much!!! Enjoy!)

San Francisco, July 4, 2015

Jake Niret was in the middle of a tickle war when  Samantha brought in dinner.

"Hi honey's" she said quickly.

"Dam baby something smells delicious." Said Jake, Jackson clapping and then smelling.

"Someone got us Pizza." She said, dropping the box of pizza down next to him. "50% off today, you know." Jake rubbed his hands together. It had been a long time since Jake had a 4th of July with his family. Jake wanted to call his father, but he knew he'd be off with his science stuff.

It was the smell of cheese pizza, or Samantha's perfume, the sounds of laughter and plates clattering, the sight of pizza or his beautiful wife, that made Jake forget about how crappy today is. Or was. Up until this very moment, Jake had been thinking non stop about yesterday's blue fireworks. The monster rampaging through his home. After all Jake lived here his whole life.

He couldn't forget the faces of people lives leaving their eyes leaving them lifeless.The poor innocent people. He had seen it in the army. But the men in the battlefield knew today could be their last day. But yesterday, people had no idea. That is what scared Jake the most. He couldn't take it anymore, he lost control.

"JAKE!" Shouted Samantha. "baby?"
Jake didn't realize he was crying in front of his family.

She left her seat at the table and wrapped her soft, warm arms around him and kissed his cheek.

"Don't say anything. I know." She said. "It's okay." She whispered. "It's okay to cry Jake. let it out. You'll feel better."

Jake nodded and then Jackson ran up and hugged him as well.

Jake smiled and wiped his eyes.

"Do you mind if I just excuse myself?" He asked. Samantha rubbed her hand across his hair.

"Yea baby. Of Course."  She whispered.

As Jake left the room, Sam grabbed Jackson and picked him up.

"YOU have to get ready for bed Mister."  She yelled, tickling him.

After brushing his teeth, and washing up, Jackson cuddled up into his bed and Samantha said goodnight. As soon as she left, Jake snook him and kissed him as well. He left the room and went back to his bedroom, where Samantha was getting dressed.

"Do you need to talk about it?" She asked, covering her naked back with a pajama. Once she was covered she turned to him.

Jake shook his head and walked towards her, and their heads locked.

"I'm sorry." He said as Samantha cuddled him and stroked his hair. "Another 4th of July, gone-

"Shhhhh..." She interrupted, kissing his forehead. "It was already ruined yesterday."

Jake nodded and kissed her back.

"I guess some sleep will help clear my head." He whispered. She laughed and leaned into his ear

"I know something else that could." She whispered.

They both smirked as a reply.


The next morning, Jake woke up before Samantha.

He went downstairs, and quietly went into the kitchen to make his morning coffee.

He grabbed a piece of toast and then grabbed his coffee and headed into the living room.

He turned on the TV. He nearly dropped his drink.

The news was on and they were filming it.

An earthquake in San Francisco Bay.

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