But When The Dust Settles

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San Francsico, July 4th, 2015

The day started out like any day. Until the smoke, craters and footprints reminded people of the hell unleashed yesterday. It was strange. Emotions were subtle.

Admiral William Marshal dealt with  agonizing pain in his chest all day. He didn't know what to do.

Lt. Swanson seems to have managed, at least for now, and The Nirets were with each other.

There were only two that were working today. Dr John Niret and Daikei Ishiro were up and about, trying to find a source of skin or flesh to study.

They knew whatever it was that attacked San Francisco, was still alive, and they weren't gonna rest until they found out what it was

"Did you check over there?" Asked Daikei with his Japanese sun hat, pointing to a section down below.

"No, haven't made it down that far." Said John, scratching his head. He took of his sunglasses to wipe his face and then put them back on.

Daikei grabbed his walking stick and navigated through the crowd. People were wearing bandanas around their mouths. John began to do the same, and shortly after Daikei followed. It must've been a safety thing.

People were around, either looking at the damage or were helping remove some of it.

Mothers were crying, children were cuddle up in mothers arms, fathers were pacing, it was saddening.

John and Daikei shortly reached the area not yet explored. This area was deserted, as if no one knew to come here. Or knew not to. Either way, it didn't stop the curiosity of the two scientists. John began looking immediately, picking up pieces of rubble and rocks.

"John?" Said a concerned Daikei, "don't kill yourself"

John laughed

"I'm killing myself by not doing anything." He replied. Daikei shook his head

"How do we know we'll even find something?"

John stopped, paused and then glared at Daikei

"Cause when the dust settles, you know. People will react differently. Some will cry. Most will be silent. Others will drown in neglect and sorrow. But when the dust settles, for me, it's the opportunity to rise again. So come on my Freind.." Said John beginning to work again. "it's a new day, another chance to rise. Come on. Come on."

John kept pushing rocks out of the way, and Daikei stood and watched for a minute. Then he rolled up his sleeves and worked as well.

Shortly after working, Daikei was stunned. He tapped John's sounder, and he looked over.

"I've never seen anything like it."  Daikei said, putting it into a jar.

In the jar, was a perfectly good scale from the monster.

"Back to the lab" John said, and the two headed back up, ready to make history.

If they could.

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