Return To Sea

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San Francisco Bay, July 5th, 2015

Frantic was an understatement of the word to describe SF Bay. As the ground shook, trembling, people ran in horror again from another disaster. They all ran, nobody knowing what a safe spot to hide was. The earthquake eventually stopped. People sighed relief and would stop clenching their arms and instead let them loose.

However , down in the bay, something was happening.

A group of cars were abandoned in the road. The ground began to crack open and a giant claw reached out. Arising from the ground was the monster. It slowly pulled itself out of the ground and took a step. It roared and then stomped around looking at the sea.

He roared again, before turning left. He turned right again.

A helicopter in the Area which was filming the monster, got a little too close for their own good; when the monster roared at them and then flung his arm, Exploding the chopper and killing any ability for people to follow where it was going.


Jake watched in horror, as the screen went dead. The screen then went back to news anchors, who were crying.

That's when Jake got the call. It was his father, John.

"Hey dad" said Jake nervously

"Marshall wants an emergency meeting. Don't know if that's inconc-

"No it's fine. I'll come." jake replied looking at his watch.

"Okay" John answers. "I'll pick you up in 10 mins."


Although no one had seen it, the monster went back to sea. It needed time to rest, collect more energy, and wait. Wait until the right time to fulfill its true purpose. A purpose that is yet to be discovered by humanity.

But it wouldn't be long from here. Not long at all.

(SO, what do you Think Godzilla's purpose is? If so, why did it attack San Francisco. Share your thoughts. Maybe it has something to do with earlier chapters 😉 You will find out soon and it all leads up to an epic finale.)

Thanks for reading!!!

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