Mirror, Mirror

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"Alright people." Said Admiral Marshall, looking down. "Let's get right down to it." He said.

Marshall checked to see who was here. Today it was only him, John and Jake Niret, Dr. Ishiro, Lt. Swanson, and a couple of other army men.

Marshall cleared his throat and pointed to the screen.

"The monster that attacked us, has returned to sea." Said Marshall, then giving a sigh. "Whether that's a good thing or not is what is yet to be determined." Said Marshall. "But...we need to figure out the why. Why attack us? Why only San Francisco? Why the subs? Why can it not take a dam hit!!!" Screamed a prideful Marshall. He looked at John and Daikei. "Gentlemen we have a lab set up in the right wing, we heard you may have found a piece of the monster?" Asked Marshall.

John nodded.

"Yes Admiral we have. Excuse us."

Marshall nodded.

"I got to talk to my military guys anyway. Let us know if you find anything." Answers Marshall as John and Daikei headed into the lab. Marshall looked back at the army men.

"Men?" He whispered. "We got word from Russia. Their putting 2 subs near the far out ocean. They weren't given permission, but that's beside the point. The point is, and this may sound cruel, we're gonna watch them. Ones a nuclear sub, ones not. We've got to confirm our pattern with it. Cool? Good." He explained, looking back at the screen, which was turning into two dots that represented the Russian subs.

Jake didn't know what to think. He seemed like this could be a different side of Marshall. And he wasn't too found if it. It all depended on what happened to those two Russian subs.


John and Daikei were thrilled to have been given an area in the base to work. It saved them time and gave them more to sleep.

"We need to extract a cell from this scale." Explained Daikei. John nodded.

"Put it under microscope so I can see." Asked John. Daikei followed and Kaye's the piece of skin under a microscope. John quickly began looking. Daikei handed him a pair of tweasers.

Daikei went next to John and examined .

"I think....I think.....huh....I GOT IT!!!" Said John. Daikei stood up and handed John a container and he out the cell in there. They put it under a different microscope and waited.

Daikei was looking. "It looks like these cells. Their complete different. Completely.Quick hand me tweezers." Said Daikie. John handed him the tweezers and he poked the cell.

"Unbelievable. They're regenerating, but at rapid speeds. I've never seen something like this. No wonder nothing can damage it." Explained Daikei.

John came over and had a peek.

"Wow. More damage, the longer the regeneration time. The less damage, the less time." John kept looking. The he gasped. "Mirror mirror on the wall, we've made the biggest discovery of them all." John joked. W showed Daikei. "Look at the cells. Their main source is nuclear energy. Oh my god. It makes sense now."

Daikei as John immediately left the room to share their findings.

Marshall was surprised to seek theme

"I take it you've found something?" Asked Marshall

"Yes." John replied. "Something big."

"Lay it on us." Replied Marsahll. John nodded.

"First off, the monsters cells heal itself at a rapid rate-if the damage is small. Larger damage can take more time. That's why it seemed indescribable until the last minute." Explained John. "And that's not all. The monster....it feeds in nuclear radiation."

Marshall looked and observed.

"That explains the subs." Marshall said, turning on the camera of the Russian subs now. "Speaking of subs I know how this should play out."

John was disgusted.

"What the hell?! Who sent more subs out there?" He infuriated.

"They're Russian." Said Marshall.

John out his arms in the air in disbelief.

Jake agreed with his dad. He didn't like it either. He was happy that they unlocked the truth. But that didn't explain all the questions.

And with that Jake ignored it, and watched as the Subs came in, not wanting to know what could be watching them.

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