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Over the next days Jasmine realises that the kids could pretty much do as they pleased as long as  no one  gets in the way of the Hendriks. She got to know Daniel better and they became friends.
He offered to take the girl places to forget about all her troubles and it didn't take her long to take him on on that offer.

Today is saturday and after Jas helped Chrissy put the two younger ones to bed and get them to sleep she is getting ready to go out with Daniel.
" Are you sure you don't want to come along?" Jas asks Chrissy who just shakes her head.
" I feel bad for going without you but I promise that tomorrow we make a girls night, ok?" Chrissy nods, happy that she would spend at least one evening  with her new friend.
" So it's settled then. Bye" Jas gives her a hug and goes out to wait for Daniel. He joins her about a minute later. Together they walk to his car and he drives to a bar in the neighborhood.

The two sit down at the counter and Daniel orders a beer for each of them.
" You know that you will have to drive us back don't you?"
He smiles a charming smile.
"Oh Jas, come on live a bit. One beer ain't a problem."
She never drank before and the beer tastes like crap but not wanting Daniel to think of her as a baby she drinks the beer and the next one Daniel orders and the one after that.
By now her vision gets a little blurry and she begins to feel sick. It doesn't stop her though.
Because of the alcohol the troubled teenager is able to  forget about all her problems like Daniel promised and she likes the feeling of freedom and strength it provides.
" You want to go somewhere else? There is a party at my pal's place."
Not thinking clearly anymore Jas  agrees and they leave the bar to drive to Daniel's friend's home.

Two hours, and more beer and cigarettes than she can count, later Jasmine wants nothing more but to empty her stomach of all it's contents and go to bed. The loud music is not helping her already pounding head and she can't take a straight step anymore. While  searching for Daniel to take her back home she is offered various drinks but declines. Stumbling in the backyard Jasmine can't hold back anymore and runs over to a flowerbed to throw up. Trying to calm down again the girl takes  deep breaths and her mind clears a bit. "What am I doing here" she mumbles to herself before swaying back inside.
Suddenly there are sirens coming towards the house and everyone is running out. Jasmine desperately looks out for Daniel but can't spot him in this mess.
Then there is a voice shouting "Police!" and everyone around her stops moving.
" All of you get in the living room and don't even think about running away!" one of the police officers takes charge and everyone hurries towards the living room.
He follows and stands in front of the remaining people. There are only about twenty people left and Daniel isn't one of them. He just left Jasmine on her own.
" I will have to check your IDs and call someone to pick you up." The officer explains. That shouldn't be a problem Jasmine had no one to call. That leaves her with no one to get in trouble with. She watches as everyone has to show their IDs and wait for someone to come and get them. Then it is her turn.
" Your ID, please." the officer held out his hand.
Jasmine hands it to him and he reads the information.
" You are only 15? What about your parents? Give me your phone number!"
She just has to be a smart ass. 
" Aren't you a bit to old for me? Normally no one over 18 gets my number, but maybe I can make an exception for you."
The officer's expression turns from a strict one to one of pure outrage.
"Silence!" he shouts at the snickering teenagers around us.
" You really think it's a good idea to get smart with me, little girl? Give me a number this instant."
" I would but I can't give you the number of my parents because I don't have any. They are dead."
" Then give me the number of your guardian."
Having nothing to worry about Jasmine gives him the number. Mr Hendriks won't be happy to have to come and get me. Maybe he would shout but that would be all. I would just be cast aside again,or not...? 
The officer tries to call but the call is not aswered. He tries again with the same outcome.
" Does that mean I can go?"
" Nice try. You have someone else to call?"
"No? Then we will have to take you with us to the station and wait until your guardian answers our calls."

Jasmine has to wait for the last teen to be picked up before she is taken to the local police station. The drive was a short one and now the girl is sitting on a desk next to the officer that arrested her.
" Shouldn't I be in a cell?" she found out that he wasn't that bad for a cop and that he could take a joke.
" Be careful what you wish for, little girl." he says and shows her the key for one of the cells.
" I got her guardian on the phone he will be here in fifteen minutes to take her home." a young man says while entering the room.
"What already? It just got cozy." the teen never could resist sarcasm.
"Think you're really funny, what? I tell you something, Miss, what you did today was very serious and illegal. You're under aged and were arrested by the police while being drunk. That's not a funny thing. It's idiotic to behave like that. And definitely nothing to be proud of." One of the older officers in the room scolds her. Jasmine casts her eyes downwards. He is right and she knows it but she thought she deserved to be a normal teenager without a shattered life for a few hours. But by now she is not so sure anymore.
" Hey cut the kid some slack. She sure has learned her lesson after being arrested and brought in here." the guy Jas is sitting next to defends the girl, seeing the shattered look in her eyes.
"Maybe if she had spend the time in one of our cells not sitting here and chatting with you."
" I just remember being her age. I was like this and see what has become out of me..."
"You're a impertinent brat." The older one retorts.
"Will you do such a thing ever again?" the nice one asks pointedly.
"Never ever." Jasmine promises.
"There.." he smiles smugly towards his colleague.
" We will see..."
" Or at least I won't get caught." The older one rolls his eyes and leaves the room muttering something about the rebellious youth.
Looking at the nice officer Jasmine sees him  winking at her.

Then Mr Hendriks comes in and hauls his protege down from the table.                                             " You ungrateful little shit..." the smell of alchol is radiating off of him . " I will show you what will happen if I have to bother getting you home from a damn police station in the middle of the night, just wait 'til we get home." Then he slaps the kid in the face with such force that her lip splits and she tastes blood. 

" Mr. get yourself under controle and leave the kid alone." The officer steps in.
" I do what I think is right. The kids are a burden nothing worth but trouble." Hendriks slurs.
"You're drunk, sir. Either you leave the kid alone or we will lock you up."
He grabs for Jas' upper arm and holds on so tight that it hurts and leaves a bruise.
"I will take her home and enforce a lesson on her she won't forget. I am her guardian and can do as I please."
By now Jasmine understands why Chrissy is afraid of this bastard.
" No you can't and you have three seconds to step away from her before you will be arrested for suspected child abuse."
Hendriks laughs a scary laugh before turning around and pushing the girl towards the door. It was to much force though and Jasmine falls to the ground. That is the last straw. The officer jumps up from his seat and hits Hendriks right in the nose. He stumbles and is caught by the second officer.
" Bring im in the cell." he orders before coming over to Jasmine and kneeling down.
"You ok?" she nods. "He will never hurt you again. Did he do it before?" The  guy is really concerned for the child's well being.
" Not to me. I only lived with the Hendriks for nearly a week. But I guess he hurt the others. My friend told me she was afraid of his bad moods." Jas explains while wiping away the blood from her mouth with her sleeve.
"Here take this." he hands the kid a tissue.
" What will happen now...?" Jasmine's life is turned upside down in the matter of seconds, again.
" We will get the other kids from the Hendriks place and find a new place for you to stay.
He sends two officers to the Hendriks to get Chrissy, Mary and Darren out of there. Daniel wouldn't be home anyway.
Jasmine wishes she had someone who cared about her and would take her in so she wouldn't have to go to the next foster home. Chrissy and the two kids belong together they are like a family, that she could see over the last couple of days. Chrissy and her may have become friends but the bond she shares with Darren and Mary is much stronger.
And Jasmine... she doesn't belong with anyone anymore and it hurt badly to admit that to herself.

Then suddenly Jasmine remembers something. She takes the card out of her pocket and unfolds it. He told me I could give him a call if I needed  his help. Now is a good time to request just that.

"Sir, I do have someone else to contact. It slipped my mind, sorry." Jasmine holds out the card and he takes it from her.
" Leroy Jethro Gibbs. I heard that name before. He works for NCIS am I right?"
The girl nods.
"Ok give me a minute." he goes over to his desk and dials the number.
For a moment Jas thinks Gibbs wouldn't answer his phone either but then she hears a gruff voice say

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