Chapter 20

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A/N: *gasp* TWO uploads in TWO consecutive days?!?! this never happens!! i can hardly believe that i did this either tbh hahahaa. idk, i just had a random, exciting writing streak :) enjoy. or dont. whatever's chill with you xx

Chapter 20


"But Haaaaaz," Louis whined as his friend packed his clothes into his suitcase.

"I'd stay if I could Lou, but the only reason I was even allowed to come here is because my mum made me promise that I'd be home for New Year's," Harry said as he folded a black v-neck to add to the pile.

"I know," Louis huffed, "I just wish you could stay a little longer."

Harry paused for a moment to smile at his pouting friend, who was currently curled up into a ball on his bed, wearing the woolen beanie that was his birthday present. "I'll just...I'll miss you Harry," Louis continued quietly, fiddling with his fingers.

Harry bit his lip. He knew he'd miss Louis too, but he had to go home and-


Looking at an upset Louis, and packing his things to go home, it was as if in that moment, a lightbulb went off in his brain.


Well that was an interesting idea.

He set down the pair of jeans he had picked up and messed with the zipper on his suitcase. Could he?....maybe he could

"I'll be right back Lou," he said hurriedly, before he grabbed his phone off of the bedside table and rushed out of the room, leaving his confused friend behind him. He ran down the stairs and made his way to the back door and pushed it open, walking out into the empty backyard. He sighed. Was he really going to do this?

He pulled up his mum's contact on his phone and his thumb hovered over her number. Should he really ask? Was this really a good idea?

He bit his lip. Yes, he decided. He was going to do this. And before he could let himself chicken out, he pressed call and brought the phone up to his ear.

He shuffled around in the thin layer of snow on the ground, kicking around small rocks as the phone rang. There hadn't been any more snowfall for a few days, and everything was already slightly beginning to thaw out, though it was still as cold as ever.

"Hello?" his mother's cheerful voice sounded into his ear. "H-hi mum," he said softly, suddenly feeling homesick and childlike after hearing her voice. He missed her; he missed home and her food and her hugs and her warm, comforting smell. In many, many ways, Anne was his best friend, someone he could always confide in and trust no matter what. "Harry!" she responded happily. "I can't wait to see you tomorrow baby, it's been way too long! Christmas didn't feel right without you here, Josh and Ed wouldn't stop sulking over the fact that you weren't home. They kept coming over and asking me if I could go and bring home earlier!" Harry rolled his eyes at his friends' antics, though he knew she couldn't see him. "I'm sorry for not coming home mum, it's remember what I told you about him. I just couldn't say no, I didn't want to, I-"

"I know honey, I know. He's special. You don't have to explain that to me," she said lovingly. He smiled to himself, feeling so incredibly thankful to have such a wonderful and accepting family. "So, erm, mum, I called because...he's...well, he's what I wanted to talk to you about."

"Oh!" she said, sounding surprised. "Um, did something happen love?" Her tone suddenly morphed from something happy and cheerful into something wary and protective. "Do you need me to come get you early? Because I can leave right now and drive over there instead of waiting for his mum to bring you over tomorrow, I-"

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