Dean x Reader | The Gates to Hell

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Dean looked up at the Yellow-Eyed Demon, blood dripping down his forehead from a cut on his hairline.

The Yellow-Eyed Demon was pointing the Colt at him, and Dean couldn't do anything about it.

Two figures appeared on either side of Yellow-Eyes, solidifying into two familiar people.

Dean was looking at the spirits of his father and his girlfriend.

You and John wrapped your arms around Yellow-Eyes, grabbing hold of the demon, letting the body he was possessing fall to the ground. The Colt dropped a few feet away from Dean, and he grabbed it.

The Demon blasted you and John away from him, and he repossessed the body, standing and looking down at Dean. Who aimed the Colt and shot him, before he could move. He stared at Dean in shock, before falling back.

Yellow-Eyes was dead.

Dean climbed to his feet, and he walked forwards, to where he saw you and John get thrown. Sam walked over, and stood a few feet away.

John and [Y/N] stood in front of the brothers, smiling gently at them.

John gripped Dean's shoulder, and gave him a proud smile, his gaze moving to Sam, before he disappeared in a bright white light.

You moved in front of Dean, happy tears streaming down your face, sad ones streaming down his.

"[Y/N]," he muttered, stepping closer.

You cupped his face, wiping his tears away with your thumbs.

You have him a gentle kiss, and when his eyes opened, you were gone.


I hope that wasn't too sucky! And I'm sorry it's so short! I just thought of this and had to get it out! The next one should be much better!

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