Dean x Sister!Reader | Munchkin

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Just a quick little drabble because it's been so long!


Dean fussed quietly over you, brushing your hair out of your face, wiping dirt smudges from your cheeks with his thumbs.

"De," you whined, pushing your small hands against his, leaning away as he attempted to rub away a particularly stubborn dirt smudge with a thumb he had wet with his own spit.

"Fine," he sighed. "But when we get back to the bunker you're taking a bath," he ordered.

He stood up, seeming to tower over you by miles, and reached his hand down for you to take. "I told you to let me help you on the monkey bars, Munchkin," he tutted, looking down at your dirt smudged hands, and the dirt smeared on the knees of your pants.

"I wanted to do it by myself!" You defended, skipping to keep up with your big brother's long bowlegs. "I'm a big girl! I can do it!"

Dean chuckled, leaning down and swinging you up into his arms as you reached the parking lot of the playground. He settled you on his hip, and smiled down at you. "Maybe we should wait until your toes can touch the ground at the kitchen table, huh?"

You pouted, jutting our your bottom lip. "Oh, don't make that face at me, Munchkin."

He opened Baby's back door, and settled you into the booster seat, buckling you in and checking that the seatbelt was snug.

"We'll come back soon, and you can conquer the monkey bars then, okay?"

You nodded, and Dean smiled. He booped you on the nose and shut the door, climbing into the driver's seat.

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⏰ Última atualização: Dec 27, 2017 ⏰

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