Sam & Dean x Mute!Sister!Reader | Hear My Voice

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Requested from my tumblr: spn-imagines-to-feel


You watched your older brothers play with their toy soldiers, making gun noises with their mouths and bouncing their green soldiers with their hands. You looked down at the doll in your chubby hands, the only doll you had. You bounced it around on your lap, watching it's shiny, tangled blonde hair bounce. You babbled to yourself in your four-year-old nonsense words, and went to raise one of its arms, only for it to snap off. Your lip trembled as you wobbled to your feet, doll and its arm in your chubby hands. You made your way to your father, holding them out to him. "Fix, please, Daddy?" You asked, looking up at your father with big, innocent eyes.

"Not now, [Y/N]," he muttered, shuffling through papers.

"Daddy, please?" You asked again, hands resting on his knees, begging with your eyes.

"Not now, [Y/N]! Just stop talking! I don't want to hear your voice!" He roared, standing. You stumbled back, landing on your bum, the doll and its plastic arm falling from your grip. Your lip trembled, tears leaked from your eyes, and a whimper escaped you. "I said-quiet! I'm sick of hearing you!" John roared, walking out of the motel room, and slamming the door.

Sam and Dean hurried over to you, and consoled you best they could. Dean even popped the doll's arm back in place and showed it to you, but you continued to silently cry.

And from then on, you refused to speak.

••• 20 years later •••

"Alright, this should be a simple salt and burn," Dean said, loading his pistol.

You nodded, picking up your duffle bag.

Sam ruffled your hair, leading the way out of the motel room and to the impala, taking your bag from you and tossing it into the trunk.

The ride was mostly quiet, save for Dean loudly singing along to AC/DC.

You caught Dean's eye in the rearview mirror, and rolled your eyes, grinning, which only made Dean sing louder.

"Could I come again please, yeah them ladies were too kind, you've been Thunderstruck!"

Five minutes later, you were filing into the cemetery, searching for Mildred Lewis' grave.

After hours of searching, you three finally found it.

You sat on the grass at the edge of the grave as Sam and Dean cracked open the coffin. Their heads poked out over the top of the grave since they were so tall, which helped them keep an eye on you.

"Alright," Dean grunted, climbing out of the hole. He ruffled your hair as Sam climbed out, dusting the dirt off his clothes.

Mildred's ghost appeared, right behind Sam. You saw her, and couldn't warn him. You frantically waved your arms and pointed, but he got the message too late. He whirled around to strike her spirit with the iron crowbar in his hands, but she launched him backwards, into a tree.

"Sam!" Dean cried. "[Y/N], help him! I got this!"

He poured lighter fluid over the corpse as you ran to your younger older brother, dropping to your knees beside him as he blearily blinked his eyes, trying to regain focus after having been launched into a tree about as fast as Dean drives the impala.

Mildred appeared above Sam and before Dean could light the corpse on fire, plunged her hand through his chest. Sam screamed in pain as you swing the crowbar he dropped at her. She disintegrated and appeared a few feet away before Dean dropped the match into her grave. She went up in flames, screaming into the night as she disappeared forever.

Sam was groaning in pain, eyes clenched shut from the pain as Dean ran over. You heaved Sam towards your body and rested his head on your shoulder, stroking your fingers through his hair.

"Sammy?" Dean asked, eyebrows furrowed in concern.

Sam groaned in pain, large hand grasping at his chest, where Mildred's hand had pushed through.

"It hurts," he panted, voice broken.

"I gotta pull the car around. Stay with him, [Y/N]!"

You barely nodded as Dean ran off, to the impala.

Something wet dripped onto your shoulder, and you looked down to see tears leaking from Sam's eyes because of the pain. Your heart cracked as you him whimper, a sniffle escaping him.

You swallowed.

"S-Sam-mmy," you whispered. You felt him tense. "S-Sam. I-it's go-onna be o-okay." He nuzzled his face into your neck, and suddenly you felt like the older sibling.

You started humming, the same song Dean would always sing to you when you were much younger, to help you calm down after a nightmare.

Hey Jude, don't make it bad.
Take a sad song and make it better.

You heard the rumble of the Impala's engine, and it cut off suddenly as Dean ran out of the car.

He came to an abrupt halt as he heard that someone was humming.

That you were humming.

"[Y-Y/N]," he stuttered, shocked. "Y-you're..."

"W-we need t-to get Sa-am to the h-hospital, Dean," you stuttered, snapping Dean out of his daze.

"Right." He wrapped Sam's arm around his shoulders and helped Sam limp to the car, where he laid him down in the backseat. You sat in the passenger seat as Dean sped off to the hospital.

The next morning, you followed Dean into Sammy's hospital room.

"S-Sam!" You cried, smiling, happy to see your big brother awake and alright.

"[Y/N]!" He held his arms open for you to hug him, which you did so gently, as to not irritate his wounds. "It's so good hearing you speak," he whispered, stroking the back of your hair. "I don't even remember what you sounded like as a kid."

Dean gave his little siblings a sappy smile. "Me neither." He sat in the plastic chair next to Sam's bed as you say on the edge of Sam's bed, one leg tucked underneath you. You held Sammy's hand tightly in your own, taking Dean's in your other as you have them both a bright smile before Dean pulled you both in for a tight hug.

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