John x Reader | Stay With Me

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Another request from my tumblr


Your jaw was clenched, fighting back whimpers of pain as John hoisted you to your feet, wrapping one of your arms around his shoulders, one of his own going around your waist to keep you upright.

"Damn, [Y/N]," he grunted, noticing the blood oozing from your side.

"Just get me to the truck," you demanded, breathless.

"Keep pressure on it," John ordered, leading you to the truck.

"Got it," you groaned, trying to keep your head up, leaning it on John's broad shoulder. It lolled forwards.

"C'mon, [Y/N]! Can you stay with me? Stay with me, [Y/N]! C'mon!"

You groaned in response, head drooping.

"C'mon, [Y/N]."

He lifted you into the truck, panic finally settling in when you slumped on the seat, head lolling forwards. "Shit," he muttered, running around to his side of the truck, peeling out of the dilapidated lot of the abandoned warehouse and taking off towards the closest hospital.

"Help!" He cried, carrying you into hospital, your weak, limp body cradled to his chest. "I need help!"

The next few hours were a blur as doctors bustled around, nurses rushed by, and John pacing in the waiting room.

"[Y/N] Smith's family?" A doctor finally called out, using your fake name.

"Is she okay?" John demanded, approaching the doctor.

The doctor nodded. "It was touch-and-go for a while, but she should pull through. She's sleeping now, would you like to see her?"

"Yes," John said immediately, following the doctor to your room.

He left him alone with you, closing the door behind him as he left.

"Oh, [Y/N]," John said, taking your hand in his as he sat in the chair beside your bed.


You sucked in a deep breath, feeling aware of yourself. You blinked your eyes open, a blurry image of John coming into focus. "Why are you looking at me like that?" You croaked out, reaching a hand up to run your eyes.

John chuckled, relieved. "I thought I'd almost lost you."

You smiled gently at him. "It's gonna take a lot more than a knife to kill me."

He took your hand in his much larger one, leaning down to kiss you. "Thank God for that," he murmured.

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