Sam and Dean x Sister!Reader | A Brother's Pain

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You're going to hate me and love me for this.

You sat, barely conscious, in the back of the impala. Dean was next to you, behind Sam who was driving, and John was in front of you, in the passenger seat. You were in the worst condition of the four of you, and you could see your father and brothers casting worried glances at you every time you had to keep yourself from falling unconscious. Your hand was clutched tightly in Dean's, as if he was afraid he would lose you if he let go.

"Hang in there, [Y/N]. The hospital's only ten minutes away," Sam said, attempting to keep you aware. You could easily hear the panic and fear for you in his voice.

He kept talking to you, trying to keep you awake, but your hearing started fading in and out, and you could barely catch snippets of what Sam was saying. You went to nod off, but a sudden pain erupted across your entire right side, and your head snapped to the left. You heard one last thing before fading into a peaceful blackness.

"[Y/N]! No!"


Sam was forced onto a gurney, restrained by paramedics as he saw you, his little sister, get pulled from the wreck.

Cold dread pooled in his gut at the sight of you. Blood drenched half your face, and your neck was bet at an awkward angle - not broken, from what he could tell, but it wasn't good.

Dean and John were pulled out next.

"Please -" Sam begged, halfheartedly trying to pull away from the paramedics. "Are they alive? Are they alive?!"

"Relax, Sir," one said, sitting him on the gurney. Sam didn't hear her, his eyes trained on you.

He could hear the words of the paramedics who are working on you, barely registering that his older brother and father were going to live through this, according the paramedics.

"Young female - approximately eighteen, severe lacerations to upper torso and head, signs of severe cerebral edema, possible spinal cord injuries. She's going into shock-"

The paramedic speaking was interrupted.

"She's going into cardiac arrest! Get the defibrillator - STAT!"

Sam's own heart picked up its pace in his chest, and he began forcefully fighting against the paramedics. Police officers that had been called to the scene rushed over, and restrained him, forcing him back onto the gurney.

"Please! That's my sister!" He was sedated, and he felt his world slipping away, his eyes sliding shut. "My baby sister..."


Dean stood behind Sam and his father, listening as they spoke, his own body comatose on the hospital bed before them.

"Have you checked on [Y/N] yet?" John asked his son, still groggy from having woken up only a few hours ago.

Dean watched as Sam visibly swallowed, his eyes welling with tears.

"Sam?" John urged, eyebrows narrowing I'm concern.

Sam's Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed, throat thick with tears. "[Y/N]- she...she was the scene."

Dean swore if he had been in his physical body, his heart would've stopped beating.

"No-" he choked out, stumbling into the door frame. "No- it's not true! Tell me it's not true!" He begged, even though he knew no one could hear him.

"What?" John choked out, all emotion slipping from his face.

Sam started sobbing, his shoulders quaking. "She's dead, Dad! She's gone, and it's m-my fault!"

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