Sam & Dean x Sister!Young!Reader | "We'll Always Be Here For You."

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I like sister!reader one-shots! They're so cute! So here are some moments between Sam and Dean and you as their baby sister!

In some of these moments you're a baby, and in others you're a toddler


You're sick:

Dean grinned up at the blonde straddling his waist, her hands roaming up and down his bare chest. She ground her hips onto his and leaned down to suck his neck.

"Oh," he moaned, smirking wolfishly. "Right there."

She pulled back, fingers toying with his belt buckle. "Can't wait to get these pants off you, Dean," she purred.


"Dean." Why was her voice so deep and manly?


Dean shot up, panting. "What? What what what?"

Sam was leaning over him, eyebrow raised as he held you to his chest. Your cheeks were red and puffy, your lips puckered in an adorable little pout.

"[Y/N] has a little fever, and I need to run to the store to get her some meds and formula."

Dean nodded, gently taking his seven-month-old baby sister into his arms.

Sam left for the store, and Dean padded out of his room, cradling you to his chest as he soothingly rubbed your small back with his large hand. Your warm forehead was pressed against the side of his neck.

"Aw, bug," he sighed, pressing a kiss to the top of your fuzzy head. It wasn't even five in the morning yet, but honestly he didn't care if that meant he had to take of you.

He paced back and forth in the kitchen, gently rocking you in his arms.

You gurgled up at him, your bottom lip quivering.

"Oh, Sweetheart, don't cry. Don't cry. You're okay," he cooed, bouncing you gently.

Little hiccups escaped your mouth, and a tear dribbled down your cheek.

He started quietly humming Hey Jude to you, trying to soothe you.

You eventually calmed down, and fell asleep, waking only when Sam came back with your meds and formula.

First Steps:

Sam smiled at you as he set you down on your blanket on the floor next to him as he did some research. He would smile every time he heard one of your baby giggles, or babbled to yourself in your baby-talk.

Dean came in, bending down to ruffle you soft, barely-there hair before sitting down across from Sam with a lore book in front of him.

"She's getting so big," Dean muttered, a nostalgic smile on his face as watched you bounce your stuffed bear up and down, knocking over your blocks.

Sam looked down at you, too. "Yeah. She'll be walking before we know it."

"And then she'll be running, and skipping, and riding a bike, and driving a car, and getting a boyfriend, and getting married, and having her own kids—"

"Dean," Sam interrupted, an amused smile on his face as he chuckled. "She's not even one yet."

Dean sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, but relaxed, realizing those things were far off. "Yeah. Right."

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