Dean x Reader | Superman

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Superman (It's not easy) by Five For Fighting (cover by Boyce Avenue) on the side

This song reminds me of Dean every freaking time I hear it omfg


Dean ran, his feet pounding the pavement, his jacket flying out behind him. Harsh breaths echoed through his chest, his heart beating in his ears. He was running purely on adrenalin, mind focused on only one thing: getting there in time. He was running so fast, he felt as if he were flying.

"Excuse me?"

You looked up at the sound of the gruff, yet kind voice that reached your ears. A handsome man was standing next to your table, smiling down at you with perfect teeth.

"Yes?" You asked, suddenly feeling a bit self-conscious.

"I seemed to have, uh, lost my phone number - mind if I borrow yours?"

You giggled, delicately tucking your hair behind your ear. "I don't mind," you flirted, scribbling your number onto a napkin and handing it to him. "I'm [Y/N]."

"Dean," he said. "Mind if I join you?"

You smiled, gesturing to the empty seat across from you. "Be my guest."

He sat down across from you, emerald eyes sparkling. "So what brings a pretty girl like you to this dingy bar?"

You sighed. "It was supposed to be a girls' night with a couple of friends and I, but the three of 'em ditched me for some guys."

He leaned forward on his elbows "Well, that's their loss. Whaddaya say to a beer - on me?"

You grinned, leaning onto your elbows as well. "I say...bring on the Jack Daniels instead and then we gotta deal."

"Didn't peg you for a whiskey girl," Dean said, flagging down a waitress.

"We just met, Dean. There's a lot you don't know about me."

He grinned. "True."

A strike of lightning illuminated the sky, breaking through the darkness with a bright urgency.

The light flashed in Dean's eyes, illuminating his green irises.

How could he have let this happen?

How could he let you get taken like that?

"So you're leaving?"

Dean felt a pang strike through his heart at your words. He had stayed hear nearly two weeks, even after his case was solved. That's the longest he's ever stayed in a town, all because he met you. He may have just met you barely two weeks ago, but he felt as if he'd known you his whole life.

"Yeah," he said, solemnly nodding his head. "My job - it''s complicated."

"It's dangerous, I know! But that's not what I'm mad about, Dean! You're just up and leaving! If I hadn't stopped by today, would you have left without a goodbye?" Your eyes were getting watery, but you begged yourself not to cry.

"No!" He nearly shouted, startling you. "No. I would have said goodbye. I'm just - I'm no good at goodbyes."

You have him a shaky, watery smile. "It doesn't really have to be goodbye, right?"

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