Sam x Reader | The Hooded Heroine

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Sam jolted awake, only to find that his hands and feet had been tied to a chair. Dean was in a similar state next to him, his state of consciousness returning.

The damned demon had gotten the best of them.

"Dammit," Dean muttered, tugging on his binds as he noticed that the demon had taken his demon-blade. "Sammy, you alright?"

"Yeah," Sam answered, looking around the abandoned warehouse.

They each looked toward the doorway as a cackle reached their ears.

"Winchesters," the demon smirked as he walked towards them, smugly twirling the demon-blade in his fingers. "I honestly thought it'd be a bit harder than this."

"What do you want?" Sam growled, glaring at the demon.

He smirked in return. "You two; dead."

Someone else replied before either Winchester could.

"Not going to happen, Meat Sack," a silky voice ran out.

They spoke so low it was hard for Sam and Dean to determine if it was a girl or guy's voice.

The demon whirled around, looking for the source of the new voice. "Show yourself!" He growled.

The Winchesters watched with wide eyes as a dark figure dropped from the rafters, landing on its haunches like a cat and slowly rising to its full height. The figure was clad in a black hoodie with the hood pulled up, tight black jeans, black combat boots, and black fingerless leather gloves.

The figure pulled a gleaming silver blade out of a sheath tied to its belt. "Boo," it muttered, slamming the knife between the shoulder blades of the demon.

The demon twitched, it's skeleton flashing orange and yellow before it collapsed to the ground.

The figure wiped the blade of the knife on its sleeve and started walking towards the door.

"Hey!" Sam called.

"You gonna help us?!" Dean added, tugging more on his binds.

The figure paused, their shoulders rising and falling as a sigh left their body.

They turned around and walked towards the brothers. With quick movements, their bonds were severed.

They turned to leave again, but Sam grabbed their arm. "Wait! Who are you?"

They clenched their fist, yanking their arm out of Sam's grasp.

You turned to face the two brothers. "[Y/N]," you said. "[Y/N] [Y/L/N]."

"You're a chick?" Dean asked, incredulous.

"Yes," you growled. "Now if you don't mind - I'll be leaving."

Sam's eyebrows furrowed. "You aren't gonna show us your face?"

You grit your teeth. "No," you growled, turning and leaving, your dark clothes melting into the darkness of the night.


A week later, Sam was still wondering about you.

Your name was running circles around his head, your smooth voice echoing in his ears. He wondered what your face looked like. Why were you hiding it? Were you just secretive? Shy?

Somehow, he doubted that last one.

"Hey, Sam! There's been a couple strange deaths down in Portland, Oregon," Dean said, walking into the room.

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