Dean x Reader | What's Up Doc?

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I may have had a little too much fun with this one...


You nodded your head at Dean, catching the sawed-off he tossed to you as you both and Sam crept through the witch's house.

Dean signaled for you to move forward, and you ducked behind a bookshelf, peeking around to find the witch in her kitchen, with what looked like another spell brewing in front of her on her table.

You signaled to Dean, and he nodded, taking Sam and going around the other way to ambush her from the other side.

You could see him peeking through the door way, and he mouthed the words





The three of you lunged forward, weapons raised.

The witch, a middle-aged woman with graying, wiry brown hair, shrieked.

She threw something at you, and before you could react, you were thrown backwards.

"[Y/N]!" You heard Dean yell, before you fell unconscious.


You woke up on a bed in the motel a few hours later, a slight headache pumping through your skull.

You sat up, and spotted Sam and Dean sitting at the small table by the kitchenette.

"[Y/N]! How you feeling?" Your boyfriend questioned, standing.

"Fine," you muttered, rubbing your head. "Just a small headache."

Dean helped you stand, and you took his seat at the table, sipping from a water bottle he handed you. "Did you gank the bitch?" You asked, looking into Dean's beautiful green eyes.

He chuckled. "Definitely."

You finished the last of the water, and stood to toss it in the trash can.

You wobbled, suddenly becoming dizzy.


You collapsed, head barely missing the bedpost.


You came-to a few seconds later, and looked up at Sam and Dean, who were staring down at you with wide eyes and dropped jaws.

"What?" You asked. "What happened?"

They didn't seem to hear you.

Dean slowly crouched down next to you. "[Y/N], don't panic, but you're kinda a bunny now."

"What?!" You shrieked, nothing human coming out of your mouth.

Sam and Dean grimaced. "I didn't know rabbits could make that noise," Sam muttered.

Dean tossed him a flat look, before turning to you. "Uh, I'm, pick you up. Alright, Sweetheart? Don't, uh... nibble me, okay?"

If you had the ability to glare, you would be doing so right now.

Dean's hand came toward you, looking ten million times bigger than they usually did to you.

He set his hand down for you, and you slowly...hopped onto his hand, your small furry paws tickling his palm. He slowly lifted his hand so you were eye level with him. Your nose twitched.

The corner of Dean's mouth twitched, and you could tell he wanted to laugh.

You gave him as intense a stare as you could muster, and he got the message, clearing his throat. "Right. Uh - Sam, call Kevin. Ask him to find something that'll reverse... Whatever the hell this is."

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