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Might as well get this one over with. Sooo yes I am not an Ianthony shipper. In my eyes I see Ian and Anthony as nothing more than best friends. But I would never hate on someone who does since people should be allowed ship who they please. But i will agree, there is a portion of Ianthony shippers that tend to take it too far. And here is what i have to say:

If you ship Ianthony by all means go ahead. But please, do not go on twitter/instagram and tag the guys in Ianthony stuff. It makes them (or at least Anthony) uncomfortable. Today on 8/10 Anthony tweeted these exact words...

"Please stop. You can't force someone to be gay just as you can't force someone to be straight"
"Don't worry! I'm not offended :) i'm just politely asking to not be bombarded with messages telling me i'm something i'm not"

Showing he does not like it when he is flooded with Ianthony pics/videos and told that Ianthony is real and for him to admit it. He has said similar things in the past to other people so we can tell he obviously doesn't like it. I do not blame him in anyway for feeling uncomfortable. Although yes they do make jokes on it, i have a feeling they don't like it coming into their personal lives (like the Miel instagram inccident but that will be a later post).

Now, you're probably all wondering "why is Anthony so uncomfortable with Ianthony but not other ships like Jovanthony or Anthari?" And i think it's because him and the fandom both know the innocent Smosh Games ships are just fun and obviously not taken as seriously. Ianthony on the other hand has gotten to the point where it is much more than a bromance. There are now edits and photoshopped pics of them kissing online and it has gotten to the point where their shippers believe the Ianthony is actually real and that they're not admitting it, finding every little thing from looking at one another to sitting next to each other as "Proof they are real".

I will say this again, i do not hate you if you are an Ianthony shipper, but please do not harass the guys with Ianthony edits and "IANTHONY IS REAL ADMIT IT!!" on their social media, especially since it makes Anthony uncomfortable. And no, he's not weird about feeling uneasy about Ianthony. I mean how would you feel if you were constantly sent edits of you and your best friend making out?

Oh and lastly, if Anthony says he's not gay, HE IS NOT GAY! Don't sit there and be like "lol Anthony is indenial" or "Anthony says he's not gay yet he..." Because the only one who can be verify or determine his sexuality is him, not us, him; Same goes for Ian. If Ian and Anthony aren't gay, we can't make them be gay. Okay, moral of this is, you can imagine them being gay, but don't force the ship on them and telling them it's real just for your head canons to come true. Okay, now i'm done.

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