How the Crew is Problematic

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So, according to other Smoshers the crew have been very problematic. Um, I guess since I didn't pay attention to them on social media i didn't take notice but wow. The crew is very problematic.

Olivia: So both of her instances happened on snapchat. One was when she said she was scared to go to the mall because she thought muslims would blow her up. And another was her filming a BTS crew member pretending to slice his wrists while she laughed.

Noah: Now you're probably wondering "how could the adorable little Noah be problematic?" Well this is why. He went on vacation to israel and before he went he wrote a pretty islamphobic tweet. It said, "Well I'm off to Israel for 10 days. If I don't come back it's because I booked a lead in an ISIS video 😇"
so... yeah.

Courtney:  So after getting constant hate of "where's Ian and Anthony?" And "we want Ian and Anthony not these losers!" Courtney finally broke and had something to say to Smoshers. She tweeted something about a senario with a kid, their parents, and a babysitter where the parents went out and the kid freaks out and tells the babysitter "you're not my parents!". Comparing and throwing shade at the Smoshers who give her hate. Now, I 100% agree Courtney should've addressed the situation better. But I mean I saw it coming since everyday she is constantly sent hate with the others. So in all we can say the fandom drove her to say that.

Shayne: Sadly to say, Shayne has had his share of being problematic. In one BTS (still finding it) Shayne made a transphobic joke while dressed as a woman.

So it seems keith has been the only one to not be problematic as of now (If you know something about Keith tell me please) and I hope it stays that way.

So yeah the Smosh Crew can be really problematic. They don't even apologize afterwards they just delete their snaps and tweets and act like it never happened. Then they tell us to not "overreact" to a "joke". I gotta say i'm actually disappointed in them. I didn't think they were like other viners *cough* Nash Grier *cough*. But oh well, I guess most viners are like that though.

A/N: So yeah I came back. I know I said I wouldn't come back but i feel like I had to talk about this. I was on my way to deactivate my twitter when I saw people talking about the crew so i decided to keep my twitter and make a chapter about this.

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