Ian vs. Anthony

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So yes within every duo fandom there comes a time where everyone debates, who is the better half of the duo? To me, being a smosher means you love both Ian and Anthony equally. It's not bad if sometimes you prefer one over the other sometimes. I have the problem with those people who only love one and bash on the other. If you only watch Smosh for Ian, you are an Ian fan. If you only watch Smosh for Anthony, you are and Anthony fan. But you should not consider yourself a smosher if you only love one half of the duo and give hate to the other.

To me, ian and Anthony are equally important in Smosh. Yes Anthony created the website, but without Ian he wouldn't have the success they have today. They are to CO-CREATORS! Anthony has always said in earlier years Ian was the more creative one who came up with the scripts and Anthony was more of the editor (see they worked TOGETHER).

The only reasons i've seen hate towards Ian was because of his appearance (which is bullying and is completely stupid because Ian is a little precious cupcake). But Anthony on the other hand, yikes. First we get the people who don't like Anthony because, like Kalel, he became too preachy with his veganism. He has stopped being that way a while ago so that can stop. Then we get the over obsessed Ian fans who take all of Anthony's joke towards Ian way to seriously. Like when he made a joke about replacing Ian with Michael Ian Black. Anthony didn't mean it and Ian joined in himself on the joke, he knew Anthony didn't mean it because they are BEST FRIENDS! Lastly we have again the Ian fans who are tired of having Anthony be labeled the heartthrob and Ian being labeled the Lovable one (both are considered compliments to me so i do not see the problem here). Oh and lets not forget the ones who think Anthony has became a Douche Bag over the past few years. So it seems to me there is more hate towards Anthony (even though Ian fans claim Ian is disrepected/hated more).

It's okay to play a little favortism between the two, but please do not sit there and only appriciate one half of Smosh and not the other. They BOTH have worked so hard to get where they are today and they couldn't have made it without wach other.

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