Chapter 3

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We stopped at the nearest McDonalds. We all ran inside and ordered our meals. Once we found a table we sat down, settled in, and talked about what had happen this morning.

"What the heck happen?"Alexis said.

"Yeah, did anyone else see the swirls spinning around us like if they were on crack."Amaris continued " And when it went inside us before we all blacked out."

For some weird I felt something watching us, as it continued for a while I got up a decided to go the restroom. I placed my hands against the sink and leaned. When I look at the mirror to see my reflection I was pale and beginning to sweat. As I splashed water on my face I turn to see Pamela come rushing through the door. Her face was pure green so I rushed her into the biggest stall and closed the door behind me. She began coughing and crawled next to the toilet. When she was done throwing up I helped her to her feet.

"Better?" I questioned her.

" Something is wrong with me."She began to fall but I caught her.

As I stared at her I began to tremble. Her features began to change. Her nose and mouth became a snout. Her ears became pointed. Her teeth became sharp fangs. Her body began to shake and out popped a fluffy gray tail. Her finger nails became claws. For the grand finally as soon as she open her eyes they were gray and her line pupil became very narrow since we were under a light. I dropped her and she landed on her feet. She looked at me confused.

"Pamela?"I said shaking.

Before she could reply I ran out the stall and she followed. As soon as she stepped out she looked at the mirror. She began screaming, and so did I. Then I heard little kids screaming outside. Pamela ran outside and then ran back in out of breath.

"We-We- Werewolf!!"She finally answered.

I didn't believe her and ran outside. I could see Amaris and Brenda in the stinky playground holding the door shut, Alex hanging upside down on the ceiling, Alexis flying around, and Jeffrey changing into a Variraptor (Dinosaur) while running around with super sonic speed. And there right in front of me was a 7 ft tall werewolf. Because of the features and clothes I could make out that it was Juan.

Not knowing what to do I stepped closer and try to talk to Juan.

"Careful," Alex yelled from the ceiling. "I don't think he's stable."

"Grrrr!"Juan howled.

I knew I wasn't safe when he started coming towards me.

"Juan, it's me Victoria come on snap out of it." I yelled at him.

He didn't care and jumped up and attacked me. He had me pinned down to the ground and I thought he was going to chew my face off. The worst thing happened after that I had another huge headache and this time it was affecting my whole body. I knew I didn't want to die and before I knew Juan was pinned down to the floor gasping for air. I had no idea what was going on but I let him go. He was as confuse as I was. I checked on Pamela who was back to normal, Alex and Alexis were both back on the ground. Jeffrey who was also back to normal, but was still moving around very quickly. I called every over.

"We need to get the heck out of here. Come on!" I whispered as we left trying not to get notice.

We had no idea where to go so we decided to head back to where we woke up this morning. Once we arrived we hurried to the place where the rock was at. The rock was still gone but as I stood right next to the spot it began to re-appear again. I touched it and it cracked through the middle. The rock began to smoke and something came out of it that left us in shock.

The spirit appeared right in front of us and we watched as it began to take shape.

"Hello," the spirit said, "My name is the Flame of Orah."

"Why are you here?"Pamela asked a little irritated "What did you do to us?"

"I came from the Omega dimension. My planet was in a battle with our great enemies and blew the place up. I escaped but I flew through a worm whole and in order to survive I hid in this rock. After months of travel I wounded up coming here."

"How could you survive that?" Brenda asked

"Well to tell you the truth my planet is not just any planet. I come from a place where powers are there."

"What? How can that be so you're saying that superpowers are real?"Brenda continue.

"Yes and as the planet exploded the powers in it went into the atmosphere and I absorbed it all in the rock. When I finally arrived the rays from the explosion were still leaking out and as you guys approached me you as well absorbed it."

Everybody's mouth dropped and couldn't believe what has happen to us.


Picture- (Pamela Werecat)

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