Chapter 27

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Sorry guys but I've been in Vacation and extremely busy for school preparations that I haven't had time to post. But here it is.

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Picture- New monster


(Alex Pov)

We all got prepared for the search party. Everyone especially Aaron was hopeing to find Brenda and I knew it was a priority to find her today.

"Hey do you have everything?" Victoria questioned me.

"Yeah I think so."

We all decided to pair up and one person in the pair would bring a backpack with supplies from the hotel and what Victoria gave us. She even gave out a bracelet to Aaron. He was really confused about it but I explained to him what it does.

"Okay just to make sure everyone knows whose going with who" Victoria said out loud. "Alex you're with me, Juan and Aaron go together, Jeffrey you're with Alexis, and last but not least Amaris you're with Pamela."

Everyone got there partner and waited for further instructions.

"Okay guys." I began to say, "We know that someone took Brenda and we know that they headed for the forest so I suggest people with good noses and good eye sight should go to deep into the woods while the rest go into town with Victoria and me."

"We will go into town with you guys." Jeffrey said representing himself and Alexis.

"Alright the rest of you guys go into the woods alright. Make sure your phone is on and if you don't have any reception out there then howl or yell." Victoria ordered.

As soon as everything was settled we went off. Victoria and I went in her car a drove around.

"Hey where are we going?" I was confused she was driving pretty fast and not even looking for Brenda.

"Do you remember that old house we came across before we got here?"

"Yeah, are we going there?"

"Something about is familiar and I cant put my finger on it."

"We alright then we will go there. Im pretty sure Jeffrey and Alexis got this covered."

She happily agreed and went drove out of town. Minutes later we were at the place where Victoria had crashed her car. We jumped out the car and grabbed our stuff.

"What if we find a monster out here or something?"

"That's why I brought this." Victoria grabbed her bracelet. "Remember it can also be used as a weapon."

I replied with a big 'O'.

We started walking and the surrounding was becoming familiar. Soon we were in a clearing and about a few yards away from us was the old burned house.

"Woah." I gasped

"Yeah I know."

We walked up to the porch and Victoria held on tight to her bracelet.

"Do you see or feel anything?"

"Actually yes, someone was here."

We walked inside and we both gasped at the sight. In front of us there was something big in the living room of the old abandon house.

"What the hell is that?" I whispered.

"I think it's a shambler." Victoria responded backing away.

I started back away but before I knew it I had stepped on a lose board on the floor the noise the floor made was unbearably loud. Victoria gave me her upset stare and we both turned slowly to face the monster that was in the house who was in front of us.

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