Chapter 36

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Hey everyone sorry for the long wait I hope you enjoy this chapter.

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Sorry but its not edited.


(Juan's Pov)

"Alexis watch out!" Jeffrey scream out.

The boulder came out of nowhere and it hit Alexis full on. I expected her to come crashing down but all I heard was a cracking sound. I looked up at her and saw that she was still in the sky with her arms in front of her face.

The boulder cracked and no harm had come to her.

She seemed to notice what happen and she seemed impress. She lowered herself to the ground and was glowing red.

"What the..." She cursed.

I was about to walk up to her but I heard screaming. It came from Pamela's direction. I ran over there and held my hands over my sensitive ears. In front of Pamela was some kind monster. It wasn't big in size probably as big as a small child but that thing could yell.

I was about to help her but then I stood in awe as I saw Pamela glowing a gold color. Her eyes became like a cats with the slit in the middle but instead of turning into a cat she just started talking in some weird language.

Then the monster in front of her began glowing and then it burst into a million pieces.

"What the hell?" I yelled out.

She only turned to me and her jaw dropped.

"behind you!"

I turn to see at least 4 shamblers heading straight at me.

I felt some kind of pull in my stomach and next thing I knew my hands were on the ground and something started popping out of the ground.

They were silver wolves. They were as big as me when I turned and turned towards me. I didn't know what to do.

I lifted my hand and pointed at the shamblers.


Then they jumped and attacked the shamblers. Those things disintegrated within seconds.

"Juan your glowing?" Pamela told me.

I looked down at my body and I was glowing silver just like the wolves.

"That's so cool!"

"Pam did you hear that?"


"It sounds like rumbling, I think its coming from the ground."

I lowered my body and placed me ear to the earths floor.


I quickly got up from my feet and ran towards Pam. Something was coming from the ground towards the surface and it was moving fast.


I held on to her hand and we ran away from the sound, but it was too late.

The ground burst in front of us and we went flying in the air. Luckily Jeffrey and Amaris both caught us in time before we smashed ourselves into the ground.

"What is that thing?" Pamela questioned.

"I don't know but im guessing its one of Mona's little pets."

The monster kind of looked like an oversized mole rat or something like that.

I looked up at Jeffrey who was holding on to me in his pterodactyl form.

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