Chapter 7

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We walked for about an hour before anything happen to us. Through the way we collected berries and ate. (Don't worry we check if they were poisonous)

"Guys, do you hear that?"Juan yelled out.

"What?" Jeffrey question backed. "I can't hear anything."

"Its sounds like WATER!!"we all looked around and listen.

We continue walking until we all heard it. It was about 4 miles away from were Juan had heard it.




"What the heck?"

We all slowly looked at the water hole which looked like paradise. We all ran to it and began taking sips. We were all to busy to even realize our surrounding. Pamela twitched and her hair turn on ends when we heard noises around us. Brenda made a bow and arrow appear out of thin air and while she touched my bracelet she made the arrows magical. Juan began to growl and his eyes turn deep blue. He began to grow some hair around his face and soon enough he was a werewolf again. Pamela opened her hands and claws sprouted out of her finger nails.

We all looked around patiently until out came a huge wild bee. It was so big it looked like it belong in Jurassic park. Then out of no where there came another, then another. Before we knew it we were surrounded by hundreds of bees. Everyone was ready and as soon as the bees came towards us we didn't hesitate to kill them.

Pamela didn't need permission to slice them up. She had killed over 20 bees in a minute.

Alex made his own web and caught over 50 bees.

Jeffrey turn into a seismosarus and started stomping on bees.

Alexis would grab her lasso and catch 2 bees and swing around and kill other bees.

Amaris would kill about 50 at a time and Brenda would explode some with her magic arrows.

Juan sliced and chewed most of the bees because apparently he was hungry.

I on the other hand plotted everything in my surroundings. I ran to the nearest boulder and waited patiently until a bee came close enough. Once one had finally came I began to read its thoughts and everything made sense.

"Guys!"I yelled "We need to get the HELL out of here! The Queen Bee is coming and by the size of the swarm she is very near!"

They all had the worried look on their faces. They knew we couldn't take on the queen or even a whole army.

"Go guy's ill hold them back!"

They way everyone looked they weren't sure if they wanted to leave but by the look on my face they knew I was serious.

"Okay!"they answered back.

I jumped from the boulder and landed in the water. I could see my friend retreating and I did what I had to do. I signaled the bees by throwing rocks at them. That sure got their attention.

The water around me started spinning and I knew I was causing it. I felt a tug in my stomach and a group of bees was swallowed by water. I closed my eyes and began to lift high above the water. The water still in control kept on swallowing bees. The thing that sucks is that while I do this I stopped paying attention to my surroundings.

All I had felt was a knife going through my thigh. I screamed out in agony but I knew if I stopped I would have lied to my friends. And I couldn't let that happen. I grabbed all the water I could possibly gather and swallowed all the bees. And in one big gulp they all drowned.

My heart was pounding and I lost control a began to fall. Next thing I knew was that someone grabbed me but before I could see who it was I blacked out.

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