Chapter 5

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Getting sucked into another dimension is no fun at all. Once we stopped moving we looked around and saw nothing but dirt and trees. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a flame again.

"Hello again," she said. "Welcome to the Survival Dimension. This is where you shall train. This is your task for right now. You will need to defeat one of my monsters."

All of a sudden something arose from the ground. The creature looked dangerous. It had four eyes, spikes running down its back, hundreds of teeth, big horns, arms that was made out of fire and ice, and stood 10 feet tall.

"What the heck are we suppose to do fight it we barley know how to use are powers."Yelled Jeffrey.

"Now is a good time to learn how to use it." the spirit said.

We were really annoyed but before we could do or say anything the monster leaped on Jeffrey. That was the biggest mistake it could have ever done. Jeffrey turned into a T-rex again and grabbed the monster with his jaw and threw it and with his super sonic speed he hit it with his tail and did it again and again until the monster was on the floor. It got up and grabbed Jeffrey by his tail and threw him on some rocks. Jeffrey didn't get up which mean he was either dead or unconscious. Either way that made Alexis as mad as hell. She looked around and saw what she was looking for. There on the floor were her bracelets and her golden lasso. She swung her lasso around and it grabbed hold of the monster. She flew into the air and began spinning. Then she threw the monster face first into the ground and she smashed further down once she landed on him with all of her force.

The monster was upset and hit her with his ice arm and made a frozen statue out of Alexis. Then it was Amaris and Brenda's turn. Amaris screamed at it and the monster flew in the air. Brenda then made a bow and arrow with explosives appear out of no where and shot at it. The monster exploded and hit the ground.

"Yeah we did it," They both yelled.

"AMARIS!! BRENDA!! LOOK OUT!!" Yelled out Juan and Pamela.

It was too late the monster got up and lunged at them and surly knocked the out.

Juan changed into a werewolf and with his strength started fighting the monster. Juan was fast but so was the monster. Pamela then made herself turn into her cat form and grabbed hold of the monster. The monster threw her and she fell on Juan. They were down.

All that was left was me and Alex. He tried to be the hero and spun the monster with his web that came out of his hands but the monster got a hold of it and threw it back at Alex and he got tangled in his own web. How ironic.

The monster then came towards me. He grabbed me by the feet and made me go face to face with him. I could feel its strength and the blood running through his veins. But before he could plunge me into the ground face first I got control of his blood and with my hands I tugged. He dropped me either way but it was okay because I landed on my feet. I stood up and faced big, bad, and ugly and watched as he fell back to the ground. The monster then vanished into thin air and so did the mess he did. Alexis was defrosted, Jeffrey was back on his feet, the rock that squashed Amaris and Brenda vanished and they stood up like they didn't break a single bone in their bodies. Pamela and Juan were back to normal and up again. And Alex was finally out of his web.

"Well done everybody."The spirit announced.

"What the hell was that?!" screamed Juan. "We could have been killed!"

"I knew my dear students that you weren't going to die and that you could take care of yourselves."

Everybody was upset including me. How can this spirit just take us to another dimension and make us fight a monster?

"Well then what now!"I yelled at the spirit.

"Well you will do your next task."

"What?! Do you know how hard this was?"yelled Alex.

"Ha, you thought this was hard wait until you have to survive this terrain without my help. You will have to survive 2 days and 1 night in this wild or die and perish."

We looked at each other with gleams in our eyes.

The Beginning pt1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ