chapter 39

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Warning: This chapter may be emotional for some readers and overwhelming.

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(Victoria’s Pov)

~Before the kidnapping~

“Guys I think we did it! I think they are going straight towards the woods.” Jeffrey cheered.

“Yea but that only means that the rest of us are going to have to fight them off until we get there.” Amaris responded.

“Hey have any of you seen Paul and Mona?” Alex questioned us. “I saw them at the beginning but now I don’t.”

We all wiped our heads in different directions. There was no sign of them.

“Where did they go?” I asked.

And as if it were on cue a hand was placed on my neck and then and agonizing pain filled my body. I could hear the screams of my friends but then everything went dark.

I knew who did it to me seconds before Mona actually touched me but I wasn’t fast enough.

Slowly I began to regain consciousness. I could interpret my surroundings and feel where I was at. I opened my eyes and there I was in Mona’s old house.

I could sense no one was around and I had no clue how long I’ve been unconscious but I felt weak.

That’s when I heard the voice.

‘Victoria please don’t be gone please let me know your all right.’

It was Alex.

I closed my eyes and regain a little bit of strength to talk back to him.

‘Alex, im fine,’ there was a little fuzz as I tried to keep the call on.

‘I cant move, im so tired, I think Mona absorbed my energy.’

I felt myself struggling to keep on talking to Alex.

‘No stay awake, where are you?’ he said.

That’s when I heard movement from outside like someone was walking up the steps. I began panicking. I was silent and when I didn’t hear the noise anymore I talked back to Alex through my mind.

‘Old house’

Then I ended the call before Mona came barging through the door.

“So you think you can use your power without me noticing huh?”

I laid there not lifting my gaze off a Mona.

“Actually I thought you were stupid enough to fall for that because now Alex is coming and you wouldn’t hurt him. He will save me from a horrible monster like you.” I replied spitting at her feet.

“Don’t you think your putting too much faith in him? I mean he is mine remember. I loved him he would understand what I’m doing is right.”

“Really Mona?”

This time I was getting angry. I got on my feet and stared at her.

“Yeah really Victoria. I know that he still loves me just like how I know about your past.”

My gaze almost fell but I held on to it.

“Oh silent aren’t we? Well you didn’t think I know how you felt about him? Well I do”

“I don’t know what your talking about.” I responded to quickly which was my first mistake.

“I know that you used to like him before you know… the incident. You fell in love with someone else and that person ended up getting you pregnant.”

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