Chapter 10

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(Juan Pov.)

We were all amazed and creep out at the same time. I looked and realized that the only way out was walking through this landfill. I was thinking of a plan and before I knew it Pamela set foot on the land and soon realized that we had landed on a hill. Now its falling.

"Ahhh" Everyone person yelled.

No one had a chance to even try to escape.


"What the hell?!"I screamed

I looked everywhere and remembered where I was I knew we had to get out of here. I moved and heard a groan.

I felt something under my butt and stood up. Under me was Victoria. She could barley move and she was barley breathing.


"Cough... I'm...okay...I guess...Cough" she whispered.

I grabbed her and lifted her up, she couldn't stand straight so I grabbed her arm and wrapped it around me and we walked. I looked and saw no one around.

"Juan," Victoria coughed "Do you hear that?"

I stopped and listened, I could barley make it out.

"It-it sounds like..."I paused.

I gasped and grabbed Victoria by her legs and with my super hearing and super speed I went running in search for the noise I was hearing. I could hear it coming closer and closer then I could hear it loud enough to the point where I can feel it running through my spine. Then I stopped. There right in front of me was Alex who was carrying Brenda. She was bleeding from her head, it wasn't to severe but it was to the point where she wasn't waking up.

"Coño what happen?"

"Well when the hill broke loose I grabbed Brenda and we fell together but when we landed she fell first and later I fell on her. When I woke up I saw that she was still knocked out I swung around this place and found no one."He answered me.

Victoria walked over to Brenda and asked Alex to put her down. She knelt down next to her still looking pale. She whispered to her it was quite touching what she said but I try not to let emotions get to me. Soon she placed her hands on her forehead and her eyes started glowing blue and soon they faded away. She was drenched in sweat and was pale.

Alex and I walked over to them; Brenda's open wound was gone. Just as Alex walked to pick her up she shot wide open and pinned Alex to the ground while holding a knife to his throat.

"Hey! HEY!"Alex began screaming like a two year old.

She realized who it was and picked him up.

"Alex I'm so sorry are you okay?"She asked.

Grabbing his throat he nodded and walked to pick up Victoria instead.

"You ok?"He questioned Victoria looking worried.

"... I'm fine... It-t just took a little of my strength away."


We all turn.

"Amaris!!"It hit us all.

We ran to the sound and found Amaris, Pamela, and Jeffrey.

"Hey!!!"I screamed out to them.

"Juaaaan!!!"Jeffrey screamed back.

We walked to them and hugged each other.

"What happen Amaris? Where's Alexis?"Brenda said confused.

"We are looking for her and can't find her anywhere."

"Did you hear that? It sounds like a heart beat?"I glanced to my right and saw a big pile of skulls. "Amaris screech over here."

We covered our ears and she did her thing.


The pile was almost gone and then I yelled at Amaris to stop. I sniffed the air again and ran to where the pile once stood. I dug a little and found an arm. Jeffrey came running and began digging soon he found Alexis' head he pulled her out and cradled her.

"Babe, hey babe. I'm here."He whispered to her then he kissed her while a tear rolled down his eye.

She opened her eyes slowly and looked up to see Jeffrey and kiss him again.

"Um guys not to be rude and on but what about the dead line we only have 10 hours to get the hell out of here and make it to the other side."Pamela announced.

"OMG! We totally forgot." Amaris soon replied back.

We all look around and saw nothing but bones.

"How the hell are we gonna get out of here."I spoke out.

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