Chapter 21

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(Victoria Pov.)

What was Mona doing here and with that thing? I was utterly confused. I glanced at Alexis who was high in a tree and had the same expression. They were working together.

The thing started stomping to where the body once was. He was one of the ugliest things I ever seen. His skin was rough and a grayish color. He had two back legs that were so muscular; his two front arms were also muscular but supported most of his weight. To my surprise he even had two inner arms with three sharp talons on each hand. His face was the ugliest of all. It kind of reminded me of a mouse but he had a bigger and bulkier snout with two bottom tusk popping out. He also had a tail that moving around like a snake. He turns slightly and I happen to notice that he was blind. The side of his face opened up like gills as if he was breathing. It didn't make sense since he had a nose and a mouth and that when it hit me. He was sensing something and he was facing the same direction as Jeffrey.

I could hear Jeffrey's frail heartbeat and the monster did too. The monster stood on his hind legs and let out a gruesome roar that would of made anybodies heart stop. He than smashed his two front legs forward sending the earth under him crumble and sending an attack. The ground went deeper in the earth and once it hit Jeffrey he was sent flying into the air when the earth shot at him. The monster let another growl and went charging towards him.

Jeffrey saw what he was doing and transformed into a T-rex.

"That's one of them!" I heard Mona yell out to the monster.

I grew angry inside of me; this girl was a liar the whole time. The monster ran to Jeffrey and hit him with his tail sending Jeffrey falling backwards. I looked over at Alexis who wasn't where she was anymore. I looked frantically for her and notice her hovering behind Mona.

I knew what she was about to do and I had to stop her. I placed my hand to my head.

"ALEXIS DON'T!!"I thought in my head.

She stopped in her tracks and was startled. She looked over at me. I couldn't have her hurt Mona even though she deserved it for lying to us. I could tell that Alexis understood what I was trying to tell her. I turn my attention back to Jeffrey who was getting his ass whooped.

Alexis some how got passed Mona and made her way to me. We both sat down and made sure nobody could see us.

"What are we going to do? He's in trouble!"She started yelling at me with hushed tone.

"We can't blow our cover! We need a strategy."

"Cant you do something?"

"I can try but to let you know I never did this before."

I thought long and hard and told Alexis to close her eyes. I held her hands and suddenly a cold feeling was all over us. She opened her eyes and I couldn't see her anymore.

"Victoria? Where did you go?"She whispered.

"I'm here, I can't believe that work!"

We both were invisible and I knew we could do anything without anyone knowing.

"Let's go!"

(Aaron Pov.)

We haven't heard from Victoria, Alexis, or even Jeffrey. I knew they were in trouble. I needed to get out of this hotel and go help out. Brenda told me not to leave this place but I knew as long as she was out there facing what ever was coming I wanted to be there with her.

I left the lobby and came across Pamela who seemed a little jumpy.

"Hey. What's wrong you seemed like you're out of sorts?"

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