Chapter 20

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(Pamela Pov.)

As Amaris rudely grabbed me from the hallway to drag me to the roof I instantly smelled something new and strange. As soon as I heard the low growl I panicked. What ever is out there they are coming here and fast.

I explained the situation to everyone as we all met in Victoria's room since that was the biggest room in the hotel.

"We need to prepare ourselves."Brenda told us all.

"Yes but we still don't know what we are dealing with."Jeffrey simply confessed.

"But guys if we do something about it don't we lose our cover and secret?"Alexis questioned.

"Oh my god what are we going to do?"Alex started rocking around as he let the whole situation settle in his head.

"We have to do something we have to get everyone here and now."Victoria looked at us with a look of encouragement in her eyes. "Brenda, call Aaron tell him to meet you here."

"About that."Brenda madly blushed. "He's already here; he's in my room waiting for me to come back."

"Go get some Brenda."Juan yelled out.

That didn't make anything else better as Brenda turned extremely red and pushed Juan against a wall and held a switch blade against his throat. He quickly pushed her back but she tripped him instead.

"Guys stop it!"Amaris yelled out "Don't make me scream at you!"

Immediately they both stopped and took there seats.

"Okay?! Alex call Mona and her brother and tell them to come up here. Brenda get Aaron up here

now."Victoria continued.

"Alright!" They both yelled.

Minutes passed and Alex came back.

"There not here. I even tried calling them."Alex said confused.

"It's fine."

Then Brenda came back and everyone was here.

"We have to prepare ourselves for what's happening."Victoria started out.

"Wait what's happening?"Aaron rudely interrupted.

"Something is coming and it's not a good sign. It could even be the thing that killed the guy in the woods."I answered him a little annoyed.

Everyone stood silent and we waited for Aaron to ask something but he never did.

We decided it was best to start making a plan of attack. Victoria, Alexis, and Jeffrey decided that they are going to the woods to check everything. Amaris is going to be the calling bird to let everyone know if it's a clear or if we are in trouble. The rest will be at the hotel ready for anything coming this way.

"Okay everyone stay alert."Alexis yelled out.

Everyone nodded and quickly took their places. I was just hopeing that what ever is out there isn't a big deal.

(Alexis Pov.)

We said our goodbyes and headed into the forest. Since we were surrounded by trees and nothing else I started flying instead of jogging.

"What do you think is out here?" I asked expecting anyone to answer.

Victoria finally answers after a couple of minutes thinking.

"I really don't know to be honest, but all I knew was that Amaris and Pamela aren't lying about something being out here. I can definitely sense something out here that's very dangerous."

We stopped jogging as soon as we found the place where the body was found.

"Victoria, when you found the body did you know who or what did it to him?"Jeffrey questioned her.

She sighed but before she could answer there was a noise coming from behind us.

"Hide!" Victoria said in a loud whisper.

We all ran apart. I flew into some trees, Jeffrey ran behind a big boulder, and Victoria ran to the top of a ledge. We all waited silently and waited for what ever was coming.

From a distance I could see Victoria sniffing the air. All of a sudden I saw her twitch and a look of disbelief was written on her face. I didn't know what was wrong until I heard the noise again. I turn to my left and once I saw it and who they were with my jaw fell completely open and I couldn't believe what I was seeing.


Cliffhanger :)

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