Chapter 12

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( Brenda's Pov)

Flashes of black and white surrounded all of our bodies and it felt like I was pushes on to a roller coaster with no seat belt. I felt extremely intense and before I knew it I was thrown on the ground on top of Pamela.

"MEOOOWW!!"Pamela howled.

I couldn't help but laugh until Jeffrey fell on top of me.

"Oh my bad Brenda."He gasped.

I ignored him and pushed him off of me. I turned around to see where exactly we were.

"I cant believe it."Juan giggled. "We're finally home."

"I wonder what time is it."Alex questioned.

That's when it hit me like a ton of bricks.

"Guys it wasn't a dream we still have to prepare ourselves. We have powers and we cant just go around using it. Now we have to be very serious and cautious about it."

"Oh come on! We have powers now we can do whatever we want and no one can stop us. First thing I want to do is pay Ms.Ruysennars a visit and show her how it felt like when she used to bully me." Alex insisted.

"No! Brenda's right we do have to prepare ourselves and we cant be idiots either Alex. Now come on lets get out of here I think we had enough nature for now."Victoria disputed.

We all headed to the car which was surprisingly still there and warm. When I touched it, it was still warm as if we were never gone. We soon drove off a looked for the nearest restaurant or fast food joint because all of our stomachs were hungry.

After 10 minutes we saw the same McDonalds and it had police officers surrounding it. We felt like it wasn't the best idea and continued to drive. Victoria drove for about 30 more minutes to make sure nobody could make sure about recognizing us. We stopped at a KFC and ate.

We gathered at a table and discussed what was going to happen.

"Ok, I think we should go back home and forget everything ever happened."Pamela suggested trying to figure the easy way out.

"No we should go check out the campus still."Jeffrey spoke out giving a disappointed look at Pamela.

"What if we stay here and explore the area a bit."I added to the situation.

"Look guys we cant ignore this I say that we take a vote to either stay here and figure everything out or we can go to the campus."Alexis responded. "Ok if you want to go to the campus raise your hand."

Only 3 people raise there hand which were Jeffrey, Alexis, and Amaris.

We knew right away that we were gonna stay here.

"Ill go and look for a motel we can stay at."Victoria advised us.

I grinned as Jeffrey with his small Colombian eyes got pissed off. After 5 minutes Victoria came back with news to share.

"I found a motel"

Everyone was excited and cheered.

"But its gonna cost 200$ if everyone gets there own room."

Everyone started to frown.

"What if some of us share like Jeffrey and I."Alexis seemed too thrilled with the idea.

"I guess so. Find someone to share with."

Everyone matched up. Alexis was with Jeffrey of course, Juan was with Alex. Pamela chose Victoria and I got Amaris.

We all agreed with the arrangements and head towards the car. But Juan and Pamela ordered more chicken on the go.

We soon arrived at the motel which was surprisingly nice. It was shaped as an upside down 'V' and in the middle was a pool with a diving board.

We walked around the corner and got the keys to our rooms and said our good nights.

As soon as Amaris opened the door to our room she stumbled over. The room was pitch black and rubbed my hand against the wall trying to find the switch. Once I found it I saw what Amaris tripped over and helped her up.

"Stupid cable!"She hissed at it.

"Come on let's settle now so by tomorrow we can go back to the forest and hopefully train ourselves."I fussed at her.

I was a little cranky but as soon as I hit the bed I fell into deep sleep.

"Huhuhu!"I was running in the forest sweating like crazy.

My surroundings were filled of blood and screams. I knew it was a matter of time before he got to me. I sprinted until I fell over a branch and landed in a 10 feet deep ditch. I stared at my leg was still full of blood. I ripped a piece of my shirt and tied it around the wound and got up. But it was too late he grabbed hold of my arm and pinned me to the ground with him hovering me. I tried to scream out for help but it was no use because my voice wasn't working. I shut my eyes trying to loose his grip but instead he picked me up and pushed me against a wall. Then he came towards me.

"BRENDA WAKE UP!!"I looked up to see Amaris screaming at me.

I was full of sweat and gasping for air.

"Wh-What happen?"

"You were having a bad dream are you okay?"

I turned towards the clock to see it was 3 in the morning I had only slept for 2 hours.

"Um yeah I'm fine."I lied

I turned my head and thought of my dream. It felt so real I wondered what cause it. I closed my eyes and shot straight up after 2 seconds. Something was going to happen I could feel it then I closed my eyes and saw it.

"Amaris get up!"

"What? Are you okay?"

"No its Alex he's in trouble."

"What do you mean he's in trouble?"

Then out of now where there was the sound of a gun going off. I looked at Amaris and we both got up and headed for the door.

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