Chapter 19

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(Jeffrey Pov.)

"What the hell?"I groaned in my slumber.

I quickly sat up in my bed and saw that Alexis was also awake next to me.

I jumped out the bed quickly and ran out the door to see Victoria talking with the police. They were asking questions but I couldn't quite hear them. I crawled on the opposite wall and turn slowly so I wouldn't be notice.

"Stupid coño! Jeffrey come here!"Juan yelled at me from the lobby.

"What's going on?"

"It has to do with the body they found in the woods."He replied calmly as if it was no big deal to him.

"WHAT?! They found a body? Where?"

"Shut up you asks too many questions."He was really annoyed with the whole situation.

I rolled my eyes and headed back into my room and turned on the TV.

Sure enough they were doing a live segment about the body. Then they flashed a camera and I could tell that they were filming in the lobby. I listen to the news as they kept on asking questions to Victoria and things that they were revealing about the murder.

Turns out that the body was somebody named, Jose Montoya, a Hispanic 20 person who was out an about in the woods. They still don't have any ideas who murder him and what the murder weapon was.

As they flashed a picture of the dead body on the screen I pause the picture and began to stare at it. It looked like he was clawed everywhere, he didn't even look like a person.

I turned off the TV and went back to the lobby to see that the camera crew and police where gone.

"I hate interviews."I heard Victoria yell out.

I walked towards her to ask what was going on but a screaming and crying from the front entrance stop me.

"Mona I can't believe it!"I deep husky voice yelled out. "They got to him!"

"It's okay Oscar."I could hear Mona holding back tears.

Oscar then pushed Mona away from him and ran up the stairs in the hotel.

"This is horrible."Mona said in Alex's arms. I knew Alex wanted to ask her questions but he stopped as soon as he heard Mona squeal.

I didn't felt comfortable in this situation and just ran to my room where Alexis was waiting for me to return to sleep. I placed my soft lips against her own and wished her a good night.

(Amaris Pov.)

I really didn't get much sleep last night with all the drama. I stayed in the room and didn't dare to come out. But since it was breakfast time I walked out slowly and listen to any movement at all. The only sound I could hear was Mona in the kitchen trying to prepare a nice meal for everyone.

"Do you need any help at all?"I asked with a grin on my face hopeing it will cheer her up.

"Sure, maybe you can try to get my brother Oscar from the roof so he can get some breakfast."


I walked towards the end of the hall and climbed up some stairs. I couldn't believe that this hotel didn't have elevators. I cursed under my breath with every step I took. I finally reached the third floor and place my hand on the knob to the roof.

There are only 2 entrances to the roof the one in Victoria's room and the one on the end of the hall on the third floor. Most people only knew about the one at the end of the hall.

I opened the door and saw that the sun was barley peaking out of the clouds. To my surprise Mona's brother was sitting on a chair trying to catch some sleep. I walked over to him and my jaw dropped. It was the guy from the park. He was even cuter up close and regular size instead of a giant, since the first time I met him I was a bird at the time.

"Oscar. Hey Oscar wake up."I said as softly as gentle as I could.

He woke up with a grin as he looked at me but soon the smile was replaced by a frown where he soon realizes where he was.

"Um sorry but who are you?"He said with a shaggy tone.

"I'm Amaris. Your sister told me to come get you so you can eat breakfast."

"Really? Mona sends you up here to get me! How typical of her. She never does anything for herself it's always someone else."I could tell he was pretty piss off but I didn't let that stop me.

"Well you know you can get off your lazy ass and go down stairs and tell her how you feel instead of being up here like a idiot."I said with a smile.

He stood quite and looked into my eyes. He smiled and sat up from his chair.

"I like your attitude Amaris. Maybe if you like we can hang out sometime."

I didn't know what to say so I just nodded. He turned around and I could feel his heart slowly stop. He turned back at me.

"Has there been any news about the guy they found in the woods."

"Not that I heard of."

"Oh okay."He seemed really depressed.

I had no clue on why Oscar would be so upset about the murdered guy.

"Did you know him?"I quickly blabbered out.

He stopped in his tracks as if he was thinking on what he should say.

"Yes. He was my best friend."

Before I could reply back he ran back inside and down the stairs. I could feel his pain inside me and I instantly regretted asking him. I walked towards the door and immediately stopped as I heard a low growl in the distance. I turned to see no one in sight. I looked around nervously and waited patiently as I close my eyes. Sure enough I heard the growl again so I moved towards the sound. When I opened my eyes I realized the growl was coming from the woods.

I ran inside to find any one of my friends. The first one I found was Pamela who was at the end of the hall trying to sneak some food into her room.

"Come with me!"I yelled at her.

"Where?"She said a little annoyed that I was dragging her.

"To the roof come and listen to this."

Once we were on the roof I waited for her to listen to the growl. The growl came back again and Pamela had a gleam in her eyes.

"Let's get the others I think we are in trouble."She yelped out.

She ran inside and I knew she was right. Something is out there and its not normal, and whatever it is its getting closer


What's coming?!

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