week one | something silver

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on monday i watched her carry herself with slumped shoulders, trudging through the rain.

on tuesday it was hot and sunny and she wasn't anywhere in sight.

it rained late tuesday night and i saw her standing with something silver in her hands.

on wednesday it was gloomy and gray. i saw her sitting in a cafe window with makeup circling her blue eyes. she looked hurt.

on thursday it was sunny again and i didn't see her.

on friday i went to an art fair and saw her. she entered a self portrait, it was amazing, but it wasn't her.

that night i realized something.

on saturday i wrote.
i think she's caught between
who she is and
who she wants to be.

on sunday my sister came by. we spent the day together and i told her about the girl. she said i should stop watching from afar and talk to her.
i think she's right.


yay something new :-)

ok: so i have most of this book written. (i am still in the process of completing it though). what i'm going to do is post a chapter or two and then make you wait:-) bc i have school and i need sleep:-)))))))))

light | m.c.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora