week three | purple raincoat

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on monday my parents surprised me and my sister with tickets to new york. things like this almost never happen. but we thanked them anyway.

on tuesday my sister took me out shopping. mostly to help her pick out an outfit for valentines day to wear on her date. nonetheless we spent the day together and it was nice.

it rained tuesday afternoon and i saw abbie sitting on a bench in a purple raincoat. the silver thing was in her hands again.

on wednesday i saw her in the cafe. i looked at her and she looked back at me. i walked away as she turned away. my heart hurt.

wednesday night i had bad dreams.

on thursday it stormed and my night terrors were worse than the day before. 

on friday  i went for a walk and couldn't shake the anxiety i felt. it was debilitating.

on saturday i wrote.
time heals all wounds
and if it doesn't, you name them something other than wounds and
agree to let them stay.

on sunday my sister called. she told me that she wasn't going to make it to new york and she came up with the idea that i should take abbie with me. i knew she was right, but abbie wasn't speaking to me. she told me that's why i was having nightmares again and felt so anxious.
she was right, and maybe i needed to be a better friend.

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