week seven | shrink appointment

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on monday my sister came for a visit. she told me she made an appointment with a shrink for me.
she knew my night terrors were getting out of hand. i simply told her i missed my brother.
she left without another word.

on tuesday i met with abbie in the park. she told me how good she's been feeling lately. and i told her i was proud of her. she smiled and blushed.

on wednesday abbie didn't text or call which made me worry.
wednesday night my little brothers face filled my dreams.

on thursday i went to my appointment with the shrink. she's nice and listens to me.
she told me it's okay to miss my brother and that we would work on turning my nightmares into dreams.

on friday i called abbie, she didn't answer. so i went to her house and she wasn't there.
i went to visit my brother, and then i saw her. i could tell she'd been crying. but i couldn't bring myself to comfort her.

on saturday i wrote.
your mind is a garden
your thoughts are the seeds;
you can grow flowers
or you can grow weeds.

on sunday my sister called to ask how my appointment was. i told her it went well and she said that's good and she's happy things are getting better. but things are not getting better. not without abbie's presence.
sunday night i dreamt about abbie. and i woke up in sweat.
abbie had died.

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