week eleven | a song

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No this isn't the same chapter as the last:-)


on monday i taught a rookie guitar class and wrote a song for abbie.

on tuesday my sister called. she said she was leaving for italy on friday. i told her i wrote abbie a song. she said its sweet. i asked if she thinks i love her and she said yes.
on tuesday night i couldn't help but to think abbie loved me back. but how could she? i was too messed up.

on wednesday i tried calling abbie but she didn't pick up. i was worried.

on thursday i went to abbies house with my guitar. she didn't answer but she was sitting right there.

on friday i went to see my shrink. i told her my nightmares were getting bad again. she asked if abbie was still around. i told her yes and no. she said i should try to reconcile our situation.

on saturday i wrote.
it is easy to disappear when no one is looking at you.
on saturday night i called abbie. my voice was sad as i tried not to smother her with my thoughts.

on sunday i went to get my pills to feel better. i didn't.
on sunday night i went to north memorial hospital.

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