week thirty three | future

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on monday i went back to my shrinks office. her daughter had come along. she was two and had beautiful blue eyes and brown hair like her mother. it made me think until my thoughts nearly swallowed me alive.

on tuesday abbie went in for her check up. the baby was in good health, but their father seemed to be getting worse.

on wednesday i spent the day in bed, wallowing in my thoughts. abbie went and picked up my refill for my prescription. but i refused to take the damn pills. we fought and slept in separate rooms that night.

on thursday i isolated myself from abbie and i could tell she was beginning to worry about me. and to be honest, i was getting worried about myself too.

on friday i finally mustered up the strength to leave my bedroom and spent the day watching movies with abbie. i could tell she was going stir crazy but wasn't about to leave my side.

on saturday i wrote.

the "what ifs" and "should haves" will eat your brain.

on sunday abbie and i walked to a park. we discussed our future and i made our future official. abbie cried and i held her in my arms.


lmao been gone for like a month but i hate high school and drama and speeches like damn chill im only human.

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