week fourteen | best man

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on monday the doctors met with abbies family to discuss her progress. her mother told me, with tears in her eyes, that it was little to none.

on tuesday my shrink met with me again. she asked about abbie. she said it sounds like abbie's doing well, but she's not. she's only saying that to make me feel better.

on wednesday abbie got a bunch of flower deliveries, but none of them had her favorite flower. so i went out and bought a bouquet of sunflowers and placed them by her bed.

on thursday i decided it was time to sing her the song. i swear i thought i saw a glimpse of a smile, but i was probably imagining things.

on friday i wasn't allowed in the room as they gave her more treatment.

on saturday i wrote.

i am a paradox.
i am neither happy
nor am i sad.
i smile at pretty things and laugh at funny things.
but late at night i become
a mess of emotions and thoughts
and i wish i could just disappear.

on sunday my sister and her fiancé came and sat with me in abbie's room all day. we talked about the wedding and i was asked to be his best man.
and for once, i didn't see my little brother or the pools of blood in my dreams. they seemed to have disappeared.

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